Ch 10: Double Date Night

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"I can't believe you're doing this Rey. Trusting Noah of all people to set you up with someone," exclaimed Anna. Leigh and Wren nodded as I shrugged. I was getting ready for my blind date Noah set me up with and my best friends were still shocked.

"I mean it's obvious my choices for guys haven't worked out, might as well try a different approach," I replied.

"Well, I gotta admire your persistence, heaven knows I would have given up the first time," Leigh said.

"Leigh, you give up before you even try," giggled Wren.

"I can't help that I'm lazy!" We all laughed at her honesty.

"But for real, the reason I go through all of this is because I just want to feel love, you know? I want to be cared about and loved for, in a way a friend can't do. I want to be apart of a reciprocated relationship, with someone who knows I'm not perfect, but looks at me like I'm perfect for them." I replied. I know it's unrealistic in this day and age, but I stand by my beliefs. It can happen to people in books, why can't it happen to people like me?


Noah and I agreed to make our date a double date, that way we can analyze each other and see if we're doing anything wrong. We all agreed to meet at 7, at a chill diner named "Ready or Not". For his date, I chose Jo, a sweet girl from my AP English class— the only AP class I was in. We sometimes got partnered together so I knew she liked skateboarding and Drake, two things I knew Noah was into. She was also pretty, with black hair and deep green eyes. I was proud of my choice, praying Noah picked a decent person for me. I entered the parking lot and I cursed, realizing I was 10 minutes late. I finally entered the diner and I immediately spotted Noah, Jo, and my mystery date.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to be so late," I explained as I approached the table.

"You're good, you must be Aubrey, I'm Tommy," the cute brunette said. I had to give Noah props, Tommy was cute and polite. I raised my eyebrows at Noah, silently letting him know I approved. He chuckled and started talking to Jo. I took that as a cue so I turned my attention to Tommy.

"So Tommy, I don't think I've seen you at school before, do you go to our school?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually a junior, so I'm a year younger than you guys. Noah and I are in Student Council together. What are you interested in?"

"Well, I actually really like—,"

He interrupted me, "You're really good friends with Wren, right? I bet she introduces you to a lot of cool things. She always has a bunch of cool ideas in Student Council."

"Oh! I didn't know you guys knew each other," I replied.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "She's never talked about me before?" What is going on, I thought. 

I tilted my head, "Nope, never heard of a Tommy. Though she has talked about one underclassman who always hangs around after meetings and stares a little too long for it to be normal." His eyes widened as he understood my inference. 

"Oh no, I bet she's talking about Jerry, he's a little creep, that guy. Doesn't know any better, he's a freshman. I always try to help out and provide the best ideas. You know she chose my theme for last year's homecoming? Mine!" He sighed, "she's just great, isn't she? I mean you'd know, you're her best friend. You know what she likes, what she hates, what she does in her free time."

Oh my god. This guy is obsessed with Wren. "I actually don't feel really comfortable discussing her with you. Look, dude, it's obvious you're obsessed with her or something, so why are you here on a date with me?" I asked. He guiltily looked down and mumbled something about getting closer to Wren by getting closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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