Part 1

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Billie P.O.V

"HELP!!" I scream right before a strong hand covers my mouth and the cold metal that I'm guessing is a gun is pressed deeper into my back.
      "Shut it, kid. Or I'll blow your guts out right here right now. Come with me and I won't hurt you." A gravely voice says behind me.
      I wimper against the dirty hand on my mouth and nod my head. Tears sting my eyes as I'm taken into a nearby alley and shoved against a brick wall. My nose is pressed against the cold stone. I listen to see what the man is doing behind me. I hear him undo a belt. What's happening? He's touching me. Tears stream down my face. "HELP! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I scream, my voice breaking on most of the words. The man behind me hits my head against the bricks.
      "Shut up, stupid kid." He snarls.
       "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? GET AWAY FROM HIM!" A voice from the end of the alley calls. I hear someone run towards me and I close my eyes. If I'm going to die, I don't want to see it.
      "Get away from him!" The voice says again. Now it sounds like a fight. The gravely voice cries out in pain and I hear footsteps quickly fade away. A warm hand is placed on my shoulder, and I flinch away.
      "Hey... listen... I'm not gonna hurt you. You can open your eyes if you want. That creep is gone." A sweet voice whispers. I slowly open my eyes to see a pair of big blue eyes looking into my own green ones. A big lopsided grin is spread across this boy's face and his green hair is spiked up. I offer a small smile and he holds out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Frank. Frank Wright. And you are...?"
      My mouth is dry but I somehow find the words. "Billie. Billie Armstrong." Frank. He doesn't look like a Frank. He's too cool. Very cool. Trés Cool. Tré Cool. That's his name.
     "Nice to meet ya, Billie... wanna get a soda or something?"
     I nod and he leads me out of the alley back into downtown.
A/N- Hi. Well, this is my first story and I kinda suck a writing and stuff... but hey, if you made it this far I guess you semi-sorta liked it... right? I dunno... maybe I'm too optimistic... well thanks for reading!

I'll shut up now.


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