Part 2

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Billie P.O.V

"Here." Tré says, pointing to a crowded bar. He takes my hand and we weave through the crowd. He sees two open seats at the bar and sits on one. The bar tender walks over to him.
"I.D." He says in a dull voice.
Tré smiles. " We just want some sodas... I want an orange soda and uh.... Billie?" He says turning to me.
"Diet Coke, please." I mumble.
The bar tender nods and walks away for a few moments. All of which, Tré just stared at me and smiled. I felt a blush creep up my face. I'm not sure why but I did.
Whatever. No big.
     The bartender returns with our drinks and I reach my hand down to get money from my pocket but before I can do so, Tré's fingers wrap around my wrist and he hands the bartender a $5. The bartender gives us a strange look as he hands Tré his change and walks away.
    "Thanks, Tré... you didn't need to do that." I say with a smile.
   "No problem! You've had a rough night..." his smile fades and he looks strangely at me. "Did you just call me Tré?"
  I start to blush. "Oh... um well I didn't think you looked like a Frank, and I thought what you did was VERY cool so I thought 'Trés means very in French' so I decided I'll call you Tré Cool." I say very quickly.
   Tré giggles. "Tré Cool... it's gotta nice ring to it. I think it's gonna grow on me... so, Billie, how old are you?"
"I turned 16 last month."
"I turn 16 in December! So we'll go to the same school! Hey... don't you have school tomorrow?" He puts his hand on his hips and gives me a fake stern look. "Why are you out so late, young man?"
I laugh. "Young man? I'm older than you! I'd like to ask you the same question."
He wags a finger in my face "Ah-ah-ah! I asked first!"
I sigh. "Fine. I haven't been to school in a while. My parents kicked me out last week... now what about you?"
He offers a sympathetic smile. "Just moved here. See, I'm actually from Germany... my dad created this company and it got pretty big. He blew all his money to move to America. We lived a few hours north of here for a few years, until my dad got more money and moved us into this HUGE mansion... I start school Monday. I just wanted to sneak out and see what there was to do around here..." He looks at his drink and pushes the ice down with his straw. Suddenly, his eyes light up and he stares at me. "Billie! You could stay with me! We have a ton of extra rooms and my parents won't care once I tell them the circumstances!"
I shake my head. "I dunno Tré... I don't wanna be a bother..."
"Hey! It's like when people take in stray dogs... they see an adorable little puppy all sad and alone and take it in... and no one thinks that they're a bother."
"Did you just compare me to a dog?" I chuckle.
He laughs and ruffles my hair "Yes, Fido." He says in a baby voice.
I giggle and push his hand away. "Alright, but we gotta grab my stuff. It's in a drain pipe behind this HUGE house. It's only a few minutes from here."
Tré nods and slides off the bar stool. He offers me a hand and I chuckle as I take it. He leads me through the bar and out onto the pavement. We begin to walk towards the field that the pipe is in. We walk in silence most of the way. I run towards the clearing and sit by the pipe. I take out my hard shell guitar case.
"Is that it? A guitar?" Tré asks, catching up with me.
"My dad gave it to me... there's some extra clothes and a few photos too..."
Tré chuckles and points to the house. It that the big house you were talking about?"
I nod.
"That's my house." He replies with a smile.
I gasp. "Are you the guy that always waves at me?"
He nods with a smirk plastered on his lips. "That's how I knew where we were going... I heard 'drainpipe behind big house' and I knew it was you."
I chuckle and smile at him.
He begins to walk towards his house and I follow.

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