Part 17- The End.

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Tré P.O.V

A lot has happened in the last 8 days. They questioned Billie, caught Jason, held a trial, and now Jason Freese is in jail. Billie has to explain to me who Jason Freese was. I'm glad he's in jail. I don't even care how long he's there, just as long as he's away from my Billie.

On a more personal note, my boyfriend lives with me. Oh! Um, Billie and I are now together. Yes, together together. It's terrific. He's terrific. I love him.

Mike came back around and we're really starting to focus on Green Day. We haven't played any gigs with Billie being in the hospital and all, but we're working on a lot of new material.

So, in conclusion, we're all friends again (some better than others, if you know what I mean) and life is just splendid.

I guess that leads me to where I am now.

I'm afraid this is going to mess up everything. All the joy. I'm scared this will be the end of my happiness.

I'm driving to the county jail with Mike in the backseat and Billie seated next to me, holding my hand. Billie decided to come here for closure? I don't really get it. Personally, I'd never want to see this dude again, but Billie wanted to talk to him for... closure.

As I pull in, I can see the guards in the watch tower and it's kind of freaking me out. I feel Billie squeeze my hand a little tighter and I look over at him to see him smiling at me. I return the smile and park my car.

"Alrighty guys, let's do this." I say while unbuckling my seat belt. We get out of the car and I see Mike drag Billie away. He speaks in a low whisper so I'm not sure what he said. A question maybe?

Billie pretty much has one volume. Loud. And that's why I was glad when he began talking. "Yes, Mike. I'm sure I want to do this. I need to ask my questions and finally get some freaking answers. I'm finished wondering! I need to know!"

Mike nods his head slowly, a pained look in his eyes. He hugs Billie for a moment, and I just stand there awkwardly. They release and Billie comes trotting over to me. He takes my hand and I smile at him.

"Ready, Freddy?"

He takes a deep breath and nods. "I'm there, baby."

Mike is on the other side of me as we walk to the building. We stop at the small office in the entry way.

"Visiting someone?" The young secretary inquires.

"Yes, ma'am." Mike says.

"Name and date of birth, all of you." She slides us a clipboard with a chart on it. I write my name and my birthday and pass it to Mike. He scribbled his information before Billie and then we hand it back to the secretary.

"Have a nice day." She says monotonously as she hands us visitor passes.

We began to walk forward when we realized we had no idea where we're going.

I jog back over to the secretary. "Ma'am?"

She looks up at me with an annoyed look on her face. "What?"

"Yeah um... hi. Well, um, my friends and I have no idea where we're going..."

She sighs. Visiting hall is down to your left. There's big guard dudes, you'll see it." She said, waving me off as she turned back to her magazine.

I nod my head and walk back over to Billie and Mike. "Left. Big dudes." I say as I begin to walk that way. These two ginormous men were standing on either side of a metal door a little ways down the hall. They were each at least a foot and a half taller than me. I craned my neck to look up at a muscular man with dark hair and mocha eyes. "Uhhh... hey there..." I glance at his name tag for a moment "... Joe..." I offer a lopsided grin.

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