Part 8

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Tré P.O.V

"BOYS!!! YOU BETTER BE DOWN HERE IN TEN MINUTES!!!" I sat up, startled out of my sleep from my mom's voice down the stairs. I rubbed my eyes and glanced at Billie, who was laying next to me. I grinned at his position. He had one arm across his stomach and the other resting above his head.
      He's so beautiful.
I poke his cheek. "Billieeee." I whisper.
No response.
I frown and poke him again, saying his name a little louder this time.
I finally just shake his shoulders and scream "GET UP YOU IDIOT!" In his face.
He sits up with a scared look on his face. I'm surprised when he hugs me tightly and I feel hot tears go through the thin cotton of my shirt. I rub circles on his back.
"Woah woah woah... shh... Hey, Bj... what's up? You okay, buddy?" I ask softly.
"Don't... Tré... don't let... don't let him hurt me..." he whispers sleepily.
"Who Billie? Who's gonna hurt you?" I whisper, burying my head in his hair.
"My stepdad..."
I kiss the top of his head. "No one's gonna hurt you as long as I'm around... why'd you get all spooked all of the sudden?"
"He called me an idiot all the time. He hurt me Tré. I'm scared of him. Even his memory is horrific."
I squeeze him once more and walk over to my window, opening my blinds. "Well, never worry about him. Ever. You're safe with me Beej." I turn around and smile at him, and the smile is quickly returned.
      Billie slides out of bed, grabs his new clothes and runs towards my bathroom. He comes out wearing clothes I picked for him. He sees my smile and looks down at his black and white Ramones shirt and his red jeans. I chuckle lightly at the memory and grab my own clothes to change. I decided today was a good day, so I wore a plain orange v-neck and green pants. Most think I have a strange fashion sense but I really couldn't care less. I walk out to see Billie standing in front of my mirror, fixing his hair. Or attempting to.
      "DANG IT! STAY DOWN! UGH!" He says as he flops onto my unmade bed, giving up.
      "Don't worry, BJ. You look fabulous." I say as I put gel in my hair to make it stick up. I put on some Doc Martins and hand Billie his converse.
      "Thanks, Tré." He smiles. I grab both of our school bags and wait by my bedroom door for him. When he's finished, we rush down the stairs. I grab an orange and toss it to Billie. I get myself a banana and hold the front door open for Billie.
      "Jeez Tré, such a gentleman." Billie says with a wink.
      I smirk. "Only for you, Billie Joe."
      We walk to the bus stop at the end of my street. I glance at my watch. If we started now we could just walk. I'd rather do that then ride the bus.
      "Can we just walk?" Billie asks.
      "Yeah... I was thinking the same thing."
      On the way there, Billie tells me about the school.
      "Then there's Randy. And he pretends to be all big and scary because he likes Gina and she likes scary guys... I don't have any idea why but she does. And so in the 9th grade, him and I decided he would call me names and push me down a few days a week and he would do my homework... great guy... And then there's Mrs. Guard but we all call her Mrs. Lard because she's MASSIVE. It's so weird. She just waddles everywh- MICHEAL RYAN PRITCHARD!" Billie screams as we near the entrance. A tall boy with dark hair and ear piercings snaps his head around and eyes the crowd. He sees Billie and a smile breaks over his face. They run to each other and hug.
      I'm not jealous...
      The boy stands back and looks at Billie, still grinning.
      "Billie Joe... aren't you a sight for sore eyes... How was your vacation?"
      Billie cocks his head to one side. "Vacation?"
      Mike's smile fades. "Yeah... I called you when you weren't at school. Your stepdad answered... said you all were going on a vacation to see his family..."
      Billie shakes his head. "He kicked me out, Mike. I haven't been home in a week. I was living in the street downtown and I almost got... r-raped..." Mike gasps and stands a little taller, not in an "I'm stronger" way... more like an "I'm here to protect you" way. How sweet.
      Back off my man, Mikey boy.
      Billie nods and smiles at me. "But Tré here saved me. Told the guy to leave me alone and fought him. He's letting me live with him too. He's my savior." I can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside at his words. I smile at Billie and then up at Mike you nods at me and extends a (very large) hand.
      "Mike Pritchard."
      He glances at Billie. "Right, Dirnt."
      I can't help but smile. "Frank. Frank Wright."
      "Tré. Tré Cool."
      "Oh, um, Tré. Tré Cool." I look at Billie and get a nod of approval.
      Mike and I shake hands. "Listen, Tré, I'm really glad you're doing this for Bill. It's really nice of you." He says awkwardly.
      "Oh it's no trouble really... he's cute so I keep him around." I wink at Billie and he turns scarlet.
      "So, Mikey, I have a question..." Billie pipes up after a few moments of silence.
      Mike raises an eyebrow.
      "Well, y'know how we're short a drummer? Yeah, well uh, Tré's a drummer and... PLEASE MIKEY PLEASE LET TRÉ BE IN THE BAND PLEEEEEASE?!"
      "Woah woah woah... Chill out, Bj..." he looks at me, "You drum?"
      I shrug. "Yeah... a little. You can come over later if you'd like... we can jam..." I smile.
      "Alright... gimme your address before we leave. I'll be there at about 4:30-5:00."
      We walk in the school, Billie comparing Mike's and my schedule to see if you have any classes together.
      I can't wait for 4:30.
A/N- Crappy ending, I know. But hey! Hope I made up for it with the long chapter! And I know I said Mikey would get here like, I dunno, two chapters ago? Oh well... he's here now.

Appreciate it!

I'll stop talking.


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