Part 5

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Tré P.O.V

      I shake my head.
      "Whatever, Billie. You're insane if you think the Kennedys are better than the Pistols" I say, smirking.
      "Well I guess I'm insane then."
      I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him. It bounces off his head which sends us both into a fit of laughter.
      "Wait wait wait wait wait... I got one... Clash or Ramones?" He asks.
      "Clash, definitely." I answer almost immediately.
      Billie shakes his head "Wrong answer... seriously, Tré? What is it with you and Brit punk?"
      I shrug. "I dunno... sounds cooler. You like the Ramones! They're British!"
      He rolls his eyes at me. "Whatever, dude. Ramones are WAAY better than Sex Pistols and Clash combined."
      No one insults my band. I pounce on Billie and start to tickle him.
      "AHHH! Tré what are you- NO TRÉ NO GET OFF HELP" He screams, laughing.
      I sit back and grin as I watch him catch his breath. I watch his chest rise and fall and a smile still plastered on his face.
      I take this chance to get up and walk out of the room. I'm about half way down the hall when I notice Billie didn't follow. I peek my head around the door frame and raise an eyebrow at him.
      "Coming?" I ask.
      He nods and I turn and continue walking, smirking as I hear his bare feet slap against the hard wood. I turn into the sound proof room we keep our instruments in. I hear Billie gasp as he walks in and looks at the guitars all around. He runs over to the Les Paul Jr. in the corner and runs a finger down the head stock. He turns to me with wide eyes.
      "Can I play it?" He whispers.
      SO CUTE!!
      I chuckle and nod. I grab an amp cable and plug in the guitar. He holds it and admires it, muttering little "Wows" and "So beautifuls" every so often. Eventually I get bored with watching him study the guitar and sit behind my drum kit, playing a simple beat. I feel his eyes on me and I look up at him and smile. He looks away quickly and focus on the guitar.
      Is he blushing?? Holy crap!!
      I stop playing and grab a guitar off the stand. He looks at me strangely and I shrug. He starts to play "Behind Blue Eyes" and hums the tune quietly.
      My favorite song.
      I join in with guitar and soon hop back to drums. By the end of the song, we were both singing and playing.
      When the song ends we are both looking at each other, giggling like mad at all the wrong notes.
      "Y'know, BJ," I say, attempting to control my laughter, "You're really good!"
      Billie wipes tears from his eyes.
      His beautiful, green eyes.
      "Thanks! You're not so bad yourself." He says with a wink.
      I smile. "Let's play something else! Do you write music?"
      Billie nods and looks away. "Yeah, but it's not very good."
      "Awh... c'mon Beej... I bet it's amazing."
      Just like you, pretty boy.
      Billie smiles and starts to play a riff. I'm quick to join in on drums. He starts to sing.
      "Now you see me now you don't..."
      Strange, but he's adorable.
      "I am the disappearing boy..."
      This is really good!!!
      When Billie finishes he looks at me, wide eyed.
      "Woah. You're awesome."
      "Me?! That song was AMAZING!"
      He smiles and looks down. "Thanks. My buddy Mike and I wrote it. We're in a band, y'know. Green Day. We have an album out but our drummer left for college and... hasn't come back..." His head snaps up and he stares at me. I could see the light bulb go on. "TRÉ. YOU COULD BE OUR DRUMMER!"
       I grin from ear to ear. "Really?!?"
      He jumps up and runs to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me to stand.
      "Yeah!! When we go to school, I'll talk to Mikey... he doesn't know I was kicked out. But he'll be so excited!! TRÉ!! YOU'RE A MIRACLE!!" At that, Billie wraps his arms around my neck. I laugh and put mine around his waist.
      Green Day.
      I could learn to like that.
A/N- Hello there! I hope you're all well. I think I'm gonna have Mike come in on the next chapter. I kinda have an idea... *insert evil laughter here*... Well, anyways, I hope you're enjoying this so far.

And also, italics are Tré's thoughts. Just in case you missed that.

Thanks, friends!

Jeez, Hanna! Shut up!
*Jeez in Homecoming*

Sorry for existing.


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