Part 3

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      "Hand me Blue." Tré whispers from his window. I give him my guitar case and he turns around and puts it on the floor. He reaches out and grabs my hands, helping me into his window. "We can tell my parents everything in the morning... let's just sleep for now." He says.
      I nod and watch as he climbs into his bed. I stand awkwardly as he closes his eyes. I put my hands in my pockets and look around,  but it's too dark to see anything. I jump at the sound of his voice.
      I blush, luckily it's too dark to notice. "W-with you?" I ask.
      He sits up and I watch as his silhouette runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah... I just kinda figured that you wouldn't want to be alone tonight... after what happened..."
       I smile and lay down next to him. I turn on my side, and start to think. Gravel man was going to rape me. Or kill me. If Tré hadn't come along it would've definitely been one of the two. I feel a hot tear run down my face. Pretty soon I'm sobbing. It feels good to cry. Just to let everything I've been holding onto for the past 16 years out. I feel an arm wrap around my waist.
      "Shhhhh... it's ok Billie... you're okay. It's me, Fra- I mean Tré." Tré whispers to me. Eventually I fall asleep.
      Unfortunately, I have a nightmare.
      I'm sitting in the field, strumming blue like normal when I see a light come on in the big house before me. Tré. He waves at me and I smile and wave back. I see his door open and a man walk in. Gravel man. I try to warn him but before he can get away, Gravel man shoots him. In the head. I see his blood splatter all over the window. Gravel man looks down at Tré and then out the window at me. He begins to wave at me with a malicious smile.
      "BILLIE! WAKE UP!" Tré yells in my face. I open my eyes to see his panicked face. "Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head and lay back down. I groan and rub my eyes. My head is THROBBING.
      "What time is it?" I ask sleepily.
      Tré looks over at his clock "Quarter till 8... maybe we should just get up." He stands and opens the blinds.
      I nod and sit up. "Hey, Tré?"
      He turns to me. "What's up?"
      I smile at him. "Just call me Beej... or B.J. I just hate being called 'Billie' or 'Billie Joe'... it's too formal."
      He smirks. "Your name is Billie Joe?"
      "Yeah." I smile down at my hands in my lap. "It's not William Joseph or anything... my mom's from Oklahoma."
     He nods. "Whatever, Willy." He says with a wink.
      I roll my eyes "Something smells good..." I haven't had real food for a week, and God, does whatever that is smell amazing.
      Tré shrugs. "Probably mom making breakfast... let's go." He hops towards the bed and offers me a hand. I laugh and take it, letting him help me stand up.
     "Such a gentleman, Tré." I giggle.
      He winks. "I know! I'm a triple threat: Sweet, cute, and funny."
      I blush a little but laugh it off. He links his arm with mine and we start down the stairs to get breakfast.
A/N- Hi. Well. I'm not really sure how this is going to turn out and I know it's been a little slow but really, they just met. I'm just gonna see where the story takes me and go from there...

Thanks for reading!

I'll quit rambling.


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