Part 11

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Tré P.O.V

I can't believe this! I start kissing back immediately. He tastes like coffee and fruit loops. Why would someone as cute as Mike even think about kissing me? Oh. Right. He's drunk. He's probably not gonna remember this in the morning so I better milk it while it lasts. I start to lean into Mike a little more when I feel a tug on my shoulders and I'm forced to pull away, my head landing in practically Billie's lap. I look up at his face but he's looking at Mike with a mix of horror and betrayal on his face.
"M-Mike?" He whispers softly
I sit up a little so I can see Mike's reaction. His head is hung and he looks defeated.
"Listen, Tré, that probably didn't mean much 'cause I'm drunk but I kinda like you and have since we met and-" He gasps a little when I put my hand on his leg to shut him up.
"It's okay Mike. I liked it. I think you're cute." I smile softly. I know I can say these things because he's not going to remember anything in the morning. "C'mon," I say pulling him up by the hand, "let's go find you a place to sleep."
He nods and I pull him along by his hand. I go to the guest room in the back of the basement and pull back the sheets for him. He lays down and his hair fans out like a halo. I smile a little at the thought and kiss him on the forehead.
"Goodnight, angel."
"Night, Tré."
I turn around to leave but Billie is leaning on the door frame. He looks mad. I walk past him and shut the door. He grabs my wrist tightly and I wince a little. What's going on? He drags me upstairs into my kitchen and pushes me against my fridge so I bang my head. He then turns around and sits on my counter top. The room was spinning a little because I hit my head so hard. I slide down my fridge and sit on the floor, looking up at Billie.
"What was that for?!" I ask angrily.
He looks offended. "What was that for?!? That's was for that stunt you pulled downstairs!!" He says, his voice rising a little.
"Stunt? What stunt?"
He sticks out his tongue a little and waves his hands in the air. "I like you too, Mikey! Goodnight, Angle!" He says in a high pitched voice. He crosses his arms again and replaces the look on his face with one of betrayal. "That stunt."
I was starting to get pretty confused at this point. "Why would you care about that?"
That hit me like a pile of bricks. "W-what?" I ask softly, cursing myself for stuttering.
"How?" I ask nervously, still afraid of his outbursts.
"How? Did you just ask how?" He hisses.
I nod slightly.
"WELL, ITS YOUR STUPID FACE AND HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS AND IT ALWAYS INVADES MY THOUGHTS AND ITS YOUR HORRIBLE ABILITY TO MAKE ME SMILE EVEN WHEN I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER SMILE AGAIN AND ITS YOUR BEADY LITTLE GORGEOUS BLUE EYES THAT WHEN I LOOK INTO I GET BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH AND TRÉ, YOU'RE PERFECT AND I HATE THAT!" He screams. He jumps off the counter and starts to walk towards me. He crouched in front of me and smiles. But it was a REEEALLY creepy one. I flinch when he puts a hand on my knee. "So, who will it be, Tré? Me, or Micheal?" He purrs. I whimper and try to get up but he pushes my head back with his index finger. He stands up and I hear his footsteps echo up the stairs and a door shut.
That's when I knew it was safe to cry.
Hot tears started to roll down my face.
Mike kissed me! I smile at the thought. But then again, he was drunk... but drunk actions are sober thoughts I guess... but Billie. Why would he do that? Did he mean what he said? Probably not because he hurt me. You don't hurt the people you love, right? I dunno... I could always call up Jason or Gee... they'll know what to do.
Jason White is one of my best buds from my old school. He seemed kinda quiet, but then I got to know him and he turned into a party animal. It was like I flipped a switch or something.
Gerard Way is my other best friend. It's kinda funny too, because him and Jason hate each other. I've known Gee since middle school and he was the first person I came out to. Mainly because he was gay and I knew he, and his boyfriend Frank, would have my back.
I stand up and wipe some stray tears with the back of my hand. I walk over to our phone on the wall of the kitchen and pick it up, the green cord almost touching the floor. I dial Jason first and put the phone to my ear. It rings 3 times before a sleepy Jason answers the phone.
"Hello...?" He asks groggily.
"Hey stupid, you sound like crap."
"Frank...?" He whispers.
"In the flesh! Or, uh, on the phone!"
He chucked lightly. "I miss you, man. Why haven't you called? If you've called that good for nothing Gerard before me I swear to God..."
"No, I haven't called Gee, yet. I need advice though."
"Yeah... okay."
"So one of the first nights I was here, I sneaked out to go downtown. When I was walking, I heard a kid scream from an alley up ahead. So, I ran up there and saw this dude being pushed up against a wall by another guy, who had his pants off and a gun." I pause when I hear a sharp intake of breath on the other line. "So, I fought the guy, saved the kid, and asked him if he wanted a soda. Turns out he was our age and had no home and was living in my backyard. I took him back and Mom said we could keep him. Turns out, he's a really great guitar player and he and his buddy have a band but their drummer left. So we decided I could play for them and then I had to meet the bass player. His name is Mike. We were just hanging out tonight, getting boozed up, when Mike kissed me and said he meant it. I dunno if I believe him but that's was he said. Then Billie started screaming at me that he liked me. And he said I had to choose and I dunno what to do."
"So is Billie the kid from the alley?"
"Ok... well it sounds to me like Mike would be your best bet at this point. People who love you won't put you in situations where you have to choose. That's just not cool. So, my vote's on Mikey."
"Thanks, Jasey. You really are the best. Love you."
"No problamo. Anytime buddy. Love you too. Bye."
I hang up the phone and dial Gee's number, knowing Frank will be there too because the two are practically inseparable.
"Hello, this is Gerard." He replies happily.
"Hey, Gee."
"OH MY GOD FRANKIE?!? IS THAT YOU?!? HOLY CRAP BABE C'MERE! FRANK'S ON THE PHONE!" I hear a distant voice yell my name and footsteps quickly coming closer. "Gimme the phone!" Frank's voice hisses and the phone is passed to him. "Hey, Wright! When you coming home? We miss you..." "NOT AS MUCH AS I MISS YOU, FRANKIE!" I hear a distant Gee scream.
I snicker. "I miss you guys too, but I need relationship advice, bad."
"Hit me." The say in perfect unison.
I tell them the story and Frank replies first. "Mike. Definitely Mike. I'll be waiting for the wedding invitation." "Uhm... I'm leaning towards Bill." "WHAT?! HOW?! GEE, I SWEAR YOU'VE LOST YOUR MIND!" "Hear me out... he said all those ADORABLE things and he probably hit you because he was boozed up or something but really... that's so cute." I hear Frank scoff.
"Alrighty... well, thanks guys. You're a big help."
"Our pleasure." Gerard chirps. "Love you, Wright."
"Bye Gee! Love you too, Iero!"
I hang up the phone.
Mike has a winning streak here but Gee had some good points.
I'm just going to go to bed.
Everything's better in the morning.
I walk up my stairs and I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

A/N- Sorry, a long chapter was over due.
Sooo... whaduya think? Who's he gonna choose?


I'll let myself out.


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