Part 14

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      Jason was my best buddy in the 8th grade. He was 2 years older than I was and his little brother was way younger than both of us. 4th grade, I think? Anyways, Jason started acting strange in the middle of May. We all make the "Ill kill you!" Jokes with our friends once in a while, but he started making them all the time. He couldn't go through lunch without saying "I'll skin you alive, Billie!" Or "I'm gonna rip out your intestines and shove them down your throat!"
      One time after school, we decided to just play catch in an old lot right next to a nursing home. His little brother came with us. John. John accidentally threw the ball over the chain link fence that surrounded the nursing home. I still get shivers when I think I've what happened next.

      "Oops! Oh no... I'm so s-sorry guys, I-I didn't mean to..." Johnny stuttered.
      "It's okay, John. It's just a ball. No big deal." I offer him a warm smile which he returns quickly.
      I snap my head to the side to see a fuming Jason.
      "That was our ball. We bought that. And now look. The kid's gone and lost it? WHADUYA HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, HUH JOHNNY?!"
      John looked nervous. "W-well... I said I was sorry... Billie s-said it was o-okay."
      "U-uh w-well uhm..." how did he know? I haven't told anyone...
      "TOLD YOU! Now... I think little Johnny here needs a good beating..." he lunged at John, the smaller boy admitting a squeak as he is tackled to the ground. Jason starts repeatedly hitting him the the face. John's sobbing.
      "BILLIE! PLEASE... H-HELP ME!" He screams.
      I snap back to reality at the sound of his voice. I run over to them and start to try and push off Jason. I can't. He's bigger and older and stronger than I am. Jason swings his arm and hurls me backwards. That's when he grabs his brother's head and starts to smash it against the ground. After about ten times, John lets out one final cry for help before he goes limp.
       He's dead.
      Jason killed him.
      Jason stood up and smiled proudly. "There. That little twerp won't follow us around anymore, huh, Bill?" He chuckles.
      "J-Jason. You killed John. Y-you kil-KILLED JOHN!!"
      I rush forward and cradle the smaller boy's body in my arms. I run back to Jason's house and burst through the front door.
      "MRS. FREESE?! HELP! PLEASE! HELP..." I scream through my sobs. I hear footsteps rush down the stairs.
      "What is it, Billie? What's wrong hun- oh my lord..." she god a little closer. "John?" She whispered.
      I nod. "He accidentally threw our ball over a fence and Jason-" I choke on a sob. "J-Jason..."
      "What, honey? What did he do?"
      I take a deep breath.
     "I killed him."
      We both snap our heads in the direction the cheery voice came from. Jason was standing in the open doorway, wearing a smirk.
      Mrs. Freese began to cry. She picked up John out of my arms and cradled him. "My baby... my precious, beautiful baby... why Jason? Why?"
      Jason only shrugged. "He was annoying."
      I walked over to Mrs. Freese and hug her. It probably looked strange, since a grown woman and a 14 year old boy were crying and holding a dead body while her son stood in the doorway, scowling.
A/N- Okay so this was just the memory about how he knew Jason. Next chapter is gonna have the good stuff lol.

Bai :)


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