*Chapter 6- Total Recap*

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Authors note. You can skip this if you want. People can read the summary that's written in bold at the end of the chapter. This is more of a filler chapter that you can skip with one paragraph XD. This is basically the more detailed part of how she got on her feet. This chapter's a bit boring and all, but the drama will appear in the next chapter.

This is Alice:

This is Alice:

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Chapter 6

Okay, first things first. Before you all get your panties in a twist, might I remind you that I have been through hell my whole life and it took a lot of convincing to get me to accept the fact that good things exist? If you do remember this, then congrats. If not, here's the reminder. Why? Because I'm pretty sure with the things I'm gonna say, it will sound like a fairy tale. Hell, I'm still not used to this outcome!

Now, ladies and gentlemen! The answer you have all been waiting for. Yes, I'm mated to Chase.

What? When? How? (Okay, maybe not the how since I'm pretty sure we all know what a mating is.) Not an actual shocker right? I mean, we are mates, after all. I'll tell you the story though, for those of you who are curious.

When we started investigating whether we we're real mates or not, we found out we were. How? Well, we talked to lots of the pack doctors, went to lots of mental hospitals (the ones that know of werewolves) and experimented with each other. (Not in that naughty way you freaks). We talked to each other, hung out and basically relied on our wolves for guidance as well. In the end of those two months, we concluded that we were mates. And by the next week, we marked each other. About 2 or 3 months later, we mated.

And by mating him, my wolf,werewolf and my unknown angel side became stronger and a bit more active. The mating also gave Chase some pretty rad powers. It was funny when we found out. He was playing video games with the guys and lost. He was so pissed off about his endless loosing, that he burned the couch. With the guys on it. The guys were rolling on the floor by the time I got there. Chase freaked out so much, that the windows cracked. And sadly, the tv also, we had to buy a new one after that. Once the incident was dealt with, thanks to Dainala coaching Chase's wolf, the guys never let Chase lose in a video game.

Soon after that incident, Daniel, or dad as I now like to call him, made us Alpha's of the pack.

Yes, people, the crazy ass Alpha wasn't so crazy after all. He was just too forward. I never understood how him and Sara (mom) could accept me and the rest of my friends with open arms so quickly. I questioned their sanity every day, until finally Dainala convinced me to give them a chance. At first I was cautious (because who in their right mind would call a man you barely know "dad"?) until I saw how much it was affecting Dainala. Her memories of him were resurfacing and she was hurt that I wouldn't trust him or his choices. Like making me Alpha. I caved in because I knew Dainala was more then qualified and had promised to guide me, and because we honestly didn't have choice. So now, tada! He's my "father" and I'm his Alpha. I'm still surprised he gave the title away so freely.

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