The devil's servant

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We embraced and hugged for what seemed like hours. Dad kissed our cheeks and foreheads a thousand times. Mom did the same with our cheeks. We did the same to them! When we did pull apart, we were smiling.

“I don’t really care why, but I’m just gonna ask ‘cause theirs gonna have to be some explaining to do. Why did you call us here?” Dad asked as he snaked his arms around moms waist. She had her hands on his lower torso.

Just because one works for God and the other one for the Devil, doesn’t mean they don’t love each other!

“I sensed a free evil spirit here. I could of vanquished it myself but it came from the Underworld. So I decided you could do it. When you were done, meet our mates.” I said with my puppy dog face. I may be Death, but he is the only thing Death is afraid of. And besides, people look at Death as If I’m bad. I’m not. Oh well…

“I sense it too.” He said with that deep male voice he had.

“I think it’s one of your demons.” Mom said with the most sweetest voice ever.

“M e too.” He said. He unclasped moms hand from his waist. Even though I saw him whimper form the lack of contact with his mate.

“I need to punish my subject for trying to cause harm to one of my daughters.” He said with anger and determination in his eyes.

He then did this weird voodoo thing and his eyes turned pitch black. Not even the white things are white anymore!

All of a sudden, a man was flying up in the air, choking, trying to catch his breath. I saw lightning, fire and thunder everywhere. The ground was trembling.

So much that I stumbled back and nearly hit the ground if it weren’t for Aron.

He swiftly caught me, covered me with his body and tried to shelter me from the madness.

I smiled at the contact with my mate. I loved him more then I love my own life. And my love for him keeps growing.

He seemed to notice my relaxing, because he chuckled. I felt his chest rumble from it.

I smiled and hugged him closer to me.

The man in the air looked familiar. But where have I seen him before?

It’s Nate’s Father!’  Said my host Kat.

‘That explains his abusive behavior. But I would of sensed it earlier. So what made him stand out now?’ I asked.

‘Maybe the demon came to him when he was being beaten up. Besides. He’s supposed to be locked up.’ Kat answered.

‘Maybe. I’ll go question him.’ I said as I felt her pull back in the connection. But I knew she was still there.

I stepped away from Aron’s grip. He growled.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked pissed off in that deep and sexy voice of his.

Am I seriously getting turned on by him right now? Yes. I know I am. I can’t help it if us wolfs are more hormonal than humans!

Anyways, pulling out of the trance, I kissed his cheek in reassurance. And I then walked up to fathers side.

“Father.” I said. “I wanna question him.” I said in a sweet and innocent voice.

My father looked at me and his eyes were back to normal.

“Are you sure Death? I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said in a fatherly way.

“Yes father. You just have to give him his air again. Don’t kill him yet.” I said

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