Fighting? Over me?

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I was about third in line when I decided to take my earphones out and just wait patiently. It didn't take long, but the girl in front of me was the person to definitely take the longest. When she left, she bumped shoulders with me on purpose and gave me an evil grin.
"Whoa. What's her problem?" I heard a certain dude in front of me say.
"Oh. Hey! Also, I have no idea. Maybe she thinks I'm jealous that she saw you before me? Dunno," I said to him.
"Well... would you be jealous is she was the only one to talk to me?" He randomly asked. What kind of question is that? Especially asked to a fan.
"I think we all would be!" I replied with a small chuckle. He laughed as well, and I could see the weird girl staring into my soul. Creepy little whirlybird. Just like Yugyeom, BamBam and I talked for a little longer than most people, but oh well. It was nearing the time where I should let someone else see him, so I got my shirt out and dabber just looked at it in awe.
"How long did this take you?" He asked.
"Heh... just a few months," BamBam signed the shirt and put a stick man dabbing, a smiley face... and a number?

He asked me if I have a specific time I have to be home, and I said no. He got a security guard dude to bring me to his side of the table and asked if I could wait there for him. I told him yes. On the outside, I looked completely chilled out, but on the inside. Wow. I was freaking out. I was about to DIE. I took a seat on the floor, just next to his table, and I saw that same girl staring at me while I went around the other side of the table. Other girls watched me, with huge amounts of jealousy in their eyes.
I sat down and recieved a text from Eomma.

Eomma: Y/N, your father and I have just received a prize to go on holiday to America for two weeks!

Me: That's great, mom.

Eomma: Since we can bring two people, we're going to invite your two cousins. We leave tomorrow so you're best off staying at Lisa's. Bye!

Out of text

I didn't reply. I just sat there, knowing I'd be alone for two weeks now. YES! But it's also kinda sad thinking that my parents didn't want to bring me with them.

After a few minutes, Jackson didn't have anyone waiting to talk to him, so he got up to get his drink. He saw me and came over, then sat on the left of me. BamBam was still talking to other people so it was nice of him, really.
"Hey! How ya doing?" Wang man idk don't ask about the nickname said, or asked. I don't really know.
"Uh, good, thanks. You?" It was so casual, and such a bad conversation that I had to mentally cringe at it. UHHHH.
"I'm good, I'm good. So, why'd dabber ask you to come chill here?" He looked at me. I just shrugged and told him pretty much what happened. Then we chatted a little bit. How was I getting on so well with them?! And why has this happened to me?
"You know, I think you're the first girl I've met today who hasn't squealed and asked to squish my cheeks. That not a bad thing by the way, hehe," Jackson said. I smiled at him and heard,
"Oi Jackson! What are you doing with my friend? Oh my! Are you trying to steal her?" Obviously it was BamBam. He didn't have anyone left to talk to, same with Yugyeom. It was just the other four now. Yugyeom came over and sat down as well.
"No! Not another friend thief!" BamBam said, pretty loudly. Jackson held onto my arm tightly and pulled me toward him.
"She's mine now!" He said, and he KISSED MY CHEEK. Yes. YES. Even though he's not my bias, he's in Got7. That's all that matters.

(BamBam POV) let's mix it up a bit! Ooo.

I genuinely wasn't happy when Jackson kissed her on the cheek so then I did as well. But on the other one. Thats my cheek now.
"Well, since you guys have claimed the cheeks..." he better not say what I think he's about to say. "I'll take the hand," Yugyeom said. He's lucky he didn't say lips. Wait... why am I getting jealous? Jackson hugged her face into his chest, so we couldn't see her facehole. Yes, I did just put facehole.

Mark then ran out of humans, saw what was going on, and came over.
"Uhh, hey guys! Found a new friend?" He asked, then sat down as well. Jackson uncovered Y/N's now bright red face, and she looked at Mark. I looked at him as well, and he was blushing. No way. She's MY FRIEND!
Jackson stopped holding her, so I grabbed Y/N by the waist and lifted her onto my lap. Girls who were in line to talk to Junior looked over, extremely jealous. Hehe. I hugged her around her waist and whispered in her ear,
She blushed furiously and covered her face. Cute. All three of them got jealous. Serves you right, for trying to steal my friend.
"By the way, I like your hoodie," I randomly blurted out. What? She was wearing our merchandise.

(Mark POV)
When BamBam did that, I had no choice but to get back at him since Y/N was so beautiful, and I knew that the others were flirting with her. When BamBam let go of her, I grabbed Y/N, did a few 'nyeh nyeh nyeh' and ran backstage to hide. Btw if you get then nyeh nyeh nyeh reference, we can be friends.
I hid behind a rack of clothes, and told the staff to be quiet about us. I could hear small footsteps, but I knew all three of them were there. They started searching and I was sitting on the floor next to Y/N, and she was trying really hard not to laugh.

(Jackson POV)
BamBam, Yugyeom and I all agreed that the first one to find her gets to kiss her, and so we were determined to make each other jealous. I could hear faint female laughing from behind some clothes so I said,
"Oh! I wonder! Are Y/N and Mark behind the laughing clothes rack?" But it was bad idea, because when I went to teach for it, BamBam pushed me out of the way and moved the clothes rack, I was right though. It was them. Mark is so bad at hiding though!
"Ha! Found you! Come here," BamBam put his hands out for Y/N, so he could help her up. She gladly excepted and then I said,
"But I found her!"
BamBam replied with, "Yeah but you didn't actually see her first. I did!"
"Hai!" Yugyeom said. That's just what I imagine the dude doing :P
"Hai!" Y/N said back. BamBam told her to only talk to her oppa. Da hell?
"Yeah! That means she can only speak to me!" I said. Staff members were looking at us, confused. Heh.

(Yugyeom POV)
I did find Y/N quite cute, and I am grateful that she came to my place on the table first! Therefore I should be her rightful oppa! Also, Youngjae, Junior and JB must be quite confused, as well as the staff. They had absolutely no idea what we were doing. BamBam took Y/N back out to where the fan meeting was, we followed, and JB only had two girls left. Youngjae pointed at Y/N, I shrugged and then he walked over with Junior.

Did I seriously just make friends with four people from Got7? Well, probably make that six because here comes Youngjae and Jinyoung. Yugyeom grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. He said it was for protection. Ok then?
"So uh... who's this?" Jinyoung asked.
"Her name is Y/N, and she's MY FRIEND!" BamBam yelled, and pulled me over to him, his hands around my waist. I laughed and punched his chest playfully. That lil munch.
"She's cute," Said Youngjae. Straightforward much? I blushed a little at his comment and he patted my head. Jinyoung just smiled brightly at me, and walked away to get his drink.
"So, what you gonna do after this?" Youngjae asked me.
"Be home alone, why?"
"That's good, because I want you to come to our hotel room!" Did someone from Got7, actually just ask me if I wanted to come to their hotel room? I nodded casually, but inside I was screaming. Also, I think the last girl JB was with heard our conversation, because she shot me a death glare. Hehe. Be jealous, random girl. I had to wait around half an hour for everything to be packed up, then BamBam took my hand and lead me somewhere. He had taken me to the stage. With all of the lights still on, it looked so cool! Apparently, the guys saw us and so they thought it would be a good idea to put Just Right on. Since I knew the dance, I did it with BamBam. We danced to it together, but when I say we both danced, I kinda gave up halfway through the song. I sat down on the stage and watched BamBam do it though; I couldn't be bothered anymore. He was amazing. When the song ended he looked down at me, then sat down with me.
"So, how long exactly will you be home alone?" Dabber asked. I answered two weeks and he looked sad.
"Were only here for a week," Oh. Well that sucks, but however... you got the shirt that the guys put their signature on and pointed to where BamBam put a number.
"Oh yeah! I gave my number, hehe,"
"Oi! If Y/N has BamBam's number... SHE HAS TO HAVE MINE TOO!" Mark yelled, and grabbed the shirt. He got a pen out of his side pocket and wrote his name, number and a smiley face. The other five munches came out and I introduced myself to JB. He liked me as well.
"Why is everyone trying to steal my friend?" BamBam said, and stuck his bottom lip out. We all laughed at his childishness and got ready to go to the hotel.

I J-Hope you enjoyed! Anneyong!~

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