Chapter how many I've done

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A huge thank to Kifah101 for being so nice and supportive of this ff 😊 give them a follow nOw!!


Today was Friday. The day you're meeting up with Mark. You went to school yesterday because you had nothing better to do, and it didn't really seem like anyone noticed apart from one boy. His name is Sanha. He has wavy blonde hair and is quite tall. (Pic above) He didn't talk to you at all before, so it was quite surprising when he said "Hey! Where have you been? I missed you!"

"Uhh... home?" You responded, taking another sip from your juice box.

"Why? Have you been ill?!" Sanha replied in a worried tone.

You sighed.


"Then why were you aWaY?!¿??!27472"

"I couldn't be bothered to come in, okay?" You said, this time sounding irritated.

Poor Sanha looked extremely confused.

"Haven't your parents been telling you to come in?"


"Are your parents home?"


"Do you possibly wanna... uhh... stay at mine so you're not lonely?"


This time it was Sanha's turn to sigh.

"Why are you being so difficult?!" He said in a almost shouting voice.

You finished your juice box, threw it away and answered him.

"Because I don't know you, okay?"

For some unknown reason, he looked extremely upset. He then walked away quickly.

Ok then.

•Time Skip•

It was lunchtime, meaning it was 1 o'clock. You were supposed to be meeting Mark just after 2. You texted him to see what time you wanna meet and where.


You🍜: Mark
You🍜: Mark
You🍜: Mark

Mark🙌: Wtf do u want

You🍜: What time are we meeting?

Mark🙌: Idk. After 2

You🍜: Thts not vry hlpful

Mark🙌: Well idk. 2:30?

You🍜: Sure

Mark🙌: Where tho

You🍜: Idk somewhere

Mark🙌: Stfu ik what ur doing

You🍜: 😈

Mark🙌: Outside ur school. I'll pick u up and take u somewhere

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