The Security's 'Friend'

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Where the hell did I leave it? 1 sec brb just gotta see what happened at the end of the last chapter 😂😂

(Mark POV)
BamBam! Why did you have to call that girl a worthless germ? That's gonna ruin his image so bad. But seriously though, he NEVER indults people, so whatever that girl said must have really gotten to him. It was probably about Y/N, because if it wasn't, I doubt he would've gotten that mad.

(BamBam POV)
That girl deserved to be called a germ and I'm never going to change my mind. She disrespected Y/N, so I'll give her a taste of her own medicine and call her something she may not like. Also, I don't care if it gets spread around Instagram that I'm not a nice person. That girl wasn't a nice person. But anyways, I'm- no we're still in the mall, with around 25 people/saesangs taking pictures of us, and it's not fun to be honest. So I think I'd like to go now.
"Let's just go," I said to Mark, which he nodded at. We started walking through the crowd, but then walking very soon turned into running because... well if you don't know your a mongoloid.

Because of all the commotion, the security guards in the mall started to see what was happening and when they saw us running... Let's just say it didn't go well from there.


I was literally dashing through the mall past people and away from others, with BamBam holding my hand. As expected, the security guards started to do their jobs and checked out what was going on. The only problem is that they saw us running and jumped to the conclusion that we had STOLEN something. Thanks, random people. So yeah, in the end we were being chased by paparazzi, saesangs and security. This day so far is going amazingly.

Nearing the mall exit, a thought came to my head. The security in Busan sometimes are disguised. NEAR THE EXIT. OH HELL NO. However, when I got around to telling them, Jackson had already been stopped.

"Yo dude were just trying to get away from those guys! Let us go!" Wang man said, struggling out of the mans grip.

"Sir, I cannot let you or you friends leave the premises until we have checked you all," the disguised security guard stated. Shloopieballzzzzz

"Umm excuse me, we really have to be going now," one of the security helping us said, probably hoping to get us free.

"Look buddy, just because you're dressed like a security guard, doesn't mean you are one. Ok? Now stop role playing and shut up," Hmmm. Rewd.

Our security guard dude, the one who went with me to get my mask, butt in and said, btw I'm leaving that typo lol

"Excuse me, but I'll have you know that these boys are pretty important people, and so I believe that you should let us leave, because we have to be somewhere," he looked at his watch "in seventeen minutes," Pffff seventeen.

The bumhole security guard looked over his shoulder, and told us that his 'friends' were here. We all looked over to see who is was, and..... It was the police. GREAT.

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AND ALSO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!! Sadly, there's this thing called school, and we kind of HAVE to go ;-; Anyways saranghe and anneyong!~

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