Chapter 1: Umbreon?!

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After years of researching, I found out something that made my blood run cold. Steven had been cheating on me with someone from a region called Alola, we had broken up quickly after and I felt like everything was crumbling all around me. I spent most of my time after that off doing trainer things. My research became less and less important to me, so I finally had told my uncle I couldn't do it anymore. It saddened him, but he understood why I couldn't be in Kalos anymore.

I had been planning on going to Alola soon anyways, but I had felt as if something or someone was watching me. One day when I was walking along the beach in Shalour City I felt that presences again. I turned around sharply and saw a woman with blonde hair and green eyes standing there, an evil smirk on her face.

"Who are you? And why have you been following me?" I hissed at her.

"My name is Lusamine, the girl Steven dropped you for." I froze, Umbreon did as well by my side.

"What do you want? You've won..." I muttered feeling everything I kept inside coming out.

"No I haven't, I want to make you suffer more, Katherine. So, you will never try to stop what I have planned for the Alola region." She snapped her fingers and a black hole opened behind us. I turned sharply. I looked back at her shocked, was she trying to get rid of us for good? "Go in that hole and never come back." She laughed evilly.

"Like I'd do that just because you tell me to." I clenched my fists and that's when the wind started pulling me back, towards the hole.

"Kat!" Korrina called out as she saw what was happening. I started to go flying, but someone kicking me sent me flying towards Korrina. I turned and saw Umbreon going into the black hole.

"Umbreon!!!!" I yelled out. She looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"I'll find a way back to you, I promise..." And with that the black hole disappeared. I felt something inside of me break. I shook and dropped to my knees, crying out.

"No!!!!!!!! You promised we would never be apart!!!!! You promised we would always travel together!!!!!" I yelled into the sky. Korrina bent down and hugged me tightly as a few tears escaped her eyes as well. I ripped my keystone off my neck and threw it into the water nearby.


"Latias, please get it for me..." I said gently and she dived into the water quickly. I waited a few seconds before she reappeared, holding the keystone in her hand. I took it gently and thanked her quietly. I continued to stare at the spot Umbreon had disappeared.

"Kat?" Korrina asked after five minutes of me just sitting there.

"She was right..."


"I won't try to stop her, she took everything from me...Umbreon was my partner, my best friend and now she's gone..." I collapsed on the sand and felt my body slowly shut down from the shock of the event.


That was the last time I saw Umbreon, it had been two years. I spent those following two years traveling around the Hoenn region, but nothing was ever the same. Glaceon took over as being my protector as she traveled at my side through thick and thin. It was nice to have the comfort, but it was never the same.

We finally had decided to visit Alola, seeing as we had nowhere else to travel. I boarded the boat that day and stared out at the sea as Kalos disappeared behind us. I was getting farther and farther away from Umbreon...

"I will find you...I promise..." I said as some tears streamed down my face.

"You're the Champion!" Someone called out as we went to the main deck. Several other people turned sharply. I frowned.


"I thought you had an Umbreon that always traveled by your side, but there's a Glaceon on there now. Did something happen?" The guy asked. I looked away from him.

"Are you wanting to battle or talk?" I asked harshly.


"Then a one-on-one pokemon battle. Glaceon, let's go." I said without much emotion, she jumped forward.

"Arcanine let's win!" He sent out the majestic beast. "Use Flamethrower!" The flames poured from its mouth.

"Dodge and use Iron Tail." She jumped into the air and the flames surrounded me. It was intense pain in my arms, but I simply blew it away with a gust. Glaceon had attacked anyways and Arcanine was on the ground unable to continue. "Pathetic..." I muttered under my breath. Glaceon came back to my side and we went to the railing. I shivered as the salty sea breeze hit my wounds. It burned intensely, but I welcomed the pain, anything that made me feel anything was welcomed these days.

"Kat?" Glaceon said gently.

"I'm fine, Glaceon."

"No, you're not..." She said softly. I touched her hair lightly.

"I will be, eventually..."

"It's been two years."

"I won't give up on her."

"I'm not asking you to, I'm asking that you try to be more compassionate. Ever since that day you haven't been the same..."

"Lusamine, I remember her name and her face. I will find her when I go to Alola and she will pay for everything she has taken from me. Once she has paid then I will move on." I said sharply, clenching my fists tightly.

"Promise?" I looked at Glaceon.

"I promise."

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