Chapter 11: Explanation

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I sat down on the ground with Umbreon gently.

"What happened after we were separated?" I asked slightly scared to hear the answer.

"I appeared in a new world entirely. Something dark and slightly creepy. It was strange to me at first and I felt very alone in that strange new world, but some of the creatures there took pity on me and allowed me to travel with them through black holes that led to different parts of the world. I somehow found a way to communicate with them, their language was strange and different from ours. They offered to help me to get here, it seemed there was a way to find a way back to this world, but it was a long journey. It was crazy, traveling with these strange pokemon. I never stopped thinking about getting back here. Then something strange happened a few days ago, my mega stone started glowing a rainbow hue and I could see you through one of the black holes, but I couldn't go through it no matter how much I tried. It was sad how desperate I was to get through to you. I saw you looking so sad and so upset about me being gone, it hurt a lot knowing that you were losing hope in me coming back." I frowned a little as I looked at the sky.

"I'm sorry Umbreon...I didn't mean to..." She touched my hand with her paw.

"I was losing hope too, until I saw you there I was losing all hope I would see you and everyone again. Then after a few more days the black hole opened and I saw you through it, I saw the pain you were in when Milotic was hurting you. I cried out to help you and then a blinding light appeared and when I could see again, I saw you. I was back..." I felt the emotions she was hiding. I knew something was happening inside of her and it was hard.

"Umbreon we are going to get through what happened, together." I said gently and I hugged her lightly.

"I'm just glad to be back with my family." I nodded gently and we sat there for a few minutes like that. Olivia and Gary just stared from a little way away.

"Yeah...I know the feeling."

"So, when did Gary come back?"

"A day ago, I was really surprised to see him. But I'm kind of glad he's back." I muttered gently. We both looked back at him and he looked confused by the gesture.

"What?" He asked confused now.

"Nothing, we're just glad you're here too." I said warmly and gave him a shy smile.

"Kat, why don't we all go back to the Pokemon Center for the night?" Olivia said gently. I nodded and we rose from our place on the ground. Everyone had agreed to go back into their pokeballs on the condition that I would let them all come out when it was time for bed. We headed back towards town and went into the Pokemon Center to get some rest after the long day we had, had.

Everyone curled up around Umbreon as I got into bed. I smiled down at them as they all fell asleep quickly. I locked eyes with Umbreon lightly and she nodded as if to say I'm back and there's nothing that will tear us apart again. I closed my own eyes and slowly drifted off into a for once peaceful slumber.

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