Chapter 14: Lillie?

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Gary and I left the Pokemon Center a little while after we had gotten back. I felt the hollowness in my chest as I ignored every attempt at conversation with Gary. He frowned at me as he noticed how much tension was between us. Umbreon looked at me and then sighed as she looked ahead once more.

"Kat?" He said finally breaking the silence between us.

"Yes?" I asked as gently as I could.

"Are you alright? You haven't said a word since we left the Pokemon Center this morning." I looked up at the moon in the sky.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" He finally said firmly, causing me to stop. "We can't keep doing this Kat, you shut me out for no reason, what have I done that makes you tune me out so quickly!?" He yelled now. I felt tears making their way to my eyes.

"You loved me..." I said lightly.

"W-what?" He stumbled a little when he heard those words.

"You loved me...and I can't love you back..."


"Because of everything that's happened. My heart doesn't want any more hurt, so I can't open up to anyone else." I said quietly.

"Kat, I would never..."

"I know, but I can't Gary..." I said as I looked at him, tears now streaming down my face. "I wish I could Gary, but somethings can't be fixed no matter how hard you try." I heard someone nearby and immediately wiped the tears out of my eyes. I turned my attention back to the road and saw a girl standing there with blonde hair in a ponytail and had one white outfit. It reminded me of Lille, but she had never been one for those kinds of outfits, but out of pure curiosity I called out her name. She turned and smiled lightly at me.

"Hey Kat." She came over happily.

"Lillie, you look different. It's a good different but it sure is surprising to see you dressed so differently. Where's Cosmog?" I asked. She frowned now and pulled a weird looking creature out of her bag. It was Cosmog, but it looked completely different from the adorable creature I had seen before on the bridge where I met Tapu Koko again.

"Nebby, used all its power when my mother used it to summon the Ultra Wormhole." I gasped a little. "I need to take Nebby to the Altar of Moone. I need to play the sun and moon flutes to awaken Nebby's true form." I nodded in understanding. "Can I ask for your help, Kat?" She said suddenly.


"You saved Nebby when I didn't have the guts to go out on that bridge and I think it would mean a lot to both Nebby and I if you helped us bring my mother back."

"We were planning on bringing her back, but you do realize I can never forgive her for what she has done." I said gently.

"I understand completely, she has done things that I can never forgive, but I need your help this time."

"Then I will help you." She smiled brightly and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much, Kat." I felt a small smile come across my face.

"You're welcome Lillie."


We adventured to Poni Island the last of the islands in the Island Challenge, hardly anyone lived here but there was someone we needed to meet with and learn about the legendary pokemon of Alola. That person was the island kahuna, but from what I had heard the island didn't have a kahuna, which confused me seeing as it was part of the island challenge still.

"Hapu!" I turned my attention to Lillie as she rushed over to strange woman. She had a Mudsdale at her side.

"Lillie, it's good to see you again." Gary looked at me with a sad expression as I looked at the strange woman again.

"These are my friends, Kat and Gary." I smiled gently at the woman and she looked at me with a harsh look on her face.

"You have a strong aura about you young one, why are you so distant from the world around you?" I said nothing and looked at the sky. "I see, something happened to you. Did someone hurt you?" I looked at her and clenched my fists. Steven was with us still but I had tuned him out. He had been there for the argument between Gary and I.

"I have nothing to say to you..." I said firmly.

"So, someone you're with." I immediately changed into a Lucario. A Bone Rush appeared in my hands and she looked at me shocked.

"Kat!" Umbreon said firmly. I threw the Bone Rush and it went above Hapu's head at an Ultra-Beast. It glared at me as it dodged.

"Move." I said to Umbreon as she stood in front of me. She stepped aside and I jumped into the air. I changed into Mega Lucario and fought with the beast. It glared at me sharply as another Bone Rush appeared in my hands. The aura causing a wild wind to blow all around me. It sent my friends stumbling back, I had grown a lot stronger since they last saw me. The Ultra-Beast charged me once more and I swung the Bone Rush quickly. It went flying away from me, I made an Aura Sphere appear and blasted it into the creature. It glared at me before disappearing completely.

"Kat!" I turned my head to Umbreon as she rushed over quickly. I changed back to normal and looked at Hapu.

"Kat..." Gary said as he came over with Steven and Hapu.

"A strong young girl you are, in mind and body. Whatever has taken your spirit from you don't let it, fight for what it is your heart wants. There's nothing stopping you from chasing after what you know is right." I chuckled.

"Maybe're the daughter of the former Kahuna, right?" She nodded.

"I have tried to become the Kahuna, but the Tapu never accepted me as it. But now." She held out the sparkling stone in her hand and I knew that the Tapu had accepted her as the new Kahuna of Poni Island.

"Congratulations, I'm sure your father would be proud." I said with a small smile.

"Thank you, Hala spoke highly of you. I know now why, you protect those in need. You have a heart that beats for others, but you also must make time for yourself as well. It's okay to be selfish every now and again." I sighed.

"Hapu, there isn't much I can do about that..."

"Come. Let's go for a walk, the rest of you wait for us at the pokemon center." Hapu dragged me away towards the edge of town.

"Hapu, what is this about?"

"Just come with me." She led me towards what looked like ruins. "Tapu Fini's ruins." She led me inside and when we got to the altar I felt a strange power surrounding me. I had only been to Tapu Koko's ruins, it felt strange to have this new power swirling all around me. I shivered a little at the fear growing inside of me.

"You have nothing to fear, my dear." I turned my attention to the altar that was now glowing.

"Tapu Fini." I said gently.

"That is correct, you have suffered much in your past. I can see that, but there is something beautiful underneath that hard skin of yours. You have to let go of the dark and start seeing the light once more, Katherine." My necklace started glowing and I felt warmth fill my entire being. I waited for the glowing to subside and saw a new charm on the necklace, it was a beautiful blue colored stone. "Go with strength Katherine." The altar stopped glowing and I looked at Hapu.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She nodded smiling happily at me.

"I know there is something special between you and the boy you have with you. Gary, was it? You should speak with him when we get back, I think you know what it is you have to do now."

"I do, Hapu..."

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