Chapter 5: Kahuna Hala

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How are you all enjoying this series so far, I thought about this concept a lot as I played through the game myself and thought maybe it would make it more interesting if Lusamine took Umbreon away. Let me know how you guys feel about it so far. :)

We traveled back to Iki Village where my grandfather was waiting for our arrival. He smiled brightly as he saw us approaching.

"Welcome back, Katherine. I heard from Ilima that you successfully beat the Totem Pokemon and earned the Z-Crystal." I nodded happily as his smile brought a smile to my own face.

"I'm ready to face the Kahuna." He chuckled.

"Then come and let us face one another in a battle that is sure to please the Tapu." I touched the necklace that Tapu Koko had given to me and felt a warmth inside it. It calmed my nerves completely and I could focus on the challenge before me.

"I'm ready when you are." We took our places at the stage that was set up just for the Kahuna battle.

"I, the Kahuna of Melemele Island, accept your challenge and will crush you with everything that I have." I pulled out a pokeball as he threw out a Mankey.

"Jolteon let's win this for Umbreon!" I called out and he appeared determined to fight.

"Use Mach Punch!" Mankey jumped forward quickly.

"You can't out speed a Jolteon, use Thunderbolt!" The lightning appeared around it's body before blasting the Mankey into the tree behind Hala. "Good going Jolteon, get a nice rest." I returned him with a smile on my face. "Still think you can beat me, Hala? I'm a two-time Champion, I don't know if you'll win by just straight up attacking me with brute force." I said with a smirk. He chuckled.

"I see you have the same confidence as your father, but this time I will show you that all the confidence in the world means nothing if you don't have the strength to prove it." I pulled out another pokeball as he sent out a Makuhita.

"I'll show you the proof of the bond between me and my pokemon. Sylveon let's show them how strong our bond is." She appeared from the pokeball as I threw it. She glared at Hala as he smirked.

"A Sylveon, quite the opponent. This will be the first time I battle one, let's see what you and she can muster against my Z-power." He did a weird dance just like Ilima had done and then Makuhita slammed into Sylveon. I caught her before she could go flying into the tree behind us. I hugged her tightly as she looked at me lightly, I could see she was in pain.

"Sylveon, it's okay you gave it your best." I went to pull out her pokeball when she jumped away and glared at Makuhita. "Sylveon..."
"If you stay standing by my side, I won't give up. We've been through harder challenges than this." I looked at her with a small smile on my face.

"You're right." I got to my feet and we turned to face Hala again.

"Surprising to see her still standing, you care much for your trainer Sylveon, but do you really think you could win against me?" I chuckled.

"Sylveon, I believe in you and I always have since the moment I met you as an Eevee. I know people joke and call me the Eevee Master, but I don't mind. I like knowing that all my partners believe in me just as I believe in them. So, let's beat Hala just like we've beaten everyone else. Use Moonblast, followed by Fairy Wind!" She jumped into the air blasting Makuhita back with Moonblast and then blasting it into the tree behind Hala with Fairy Wind.

"My, my certainly a talented young trainer." Lana said coming out of the house.

"Thanks Lana." I said with a smile.

"You beat Hala without much trouble at all." Hala came over to me with a smile on his face, he looked proud to be giving me my second Z-Crystal. He handed me the Fightium Z and then showed me the pose I had to do for it.

"Thank you so much, Hala." I said with a bright smile.

"Keep that smile, because I know this world has hurt you deeply my darling granddaughter, but there is nothing is world can take away from you. And that is the heart you hold inside you, the partners by your side will travel with you through thick and thin. Go with strength and courage to the next island in your island challenge: Akala Island." I nodded lightly. Sylveon looked at me happily as we turned to leave the village once more.

"Thank you, Hala. For everything you've taught me since I've been here. I promise you I will return some day and you will be proud of who I have become."

"I already am proud of who you have become, but go and continue to grow and return to me with that partner of yours."

"I will."

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