Chapter 10: Missing Partner

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Gary and I marched on, we barely spoke the entire way there. I looked around the Ruins of Life as we finally arrived. I felt an immediate warmth overcome me as I looked around the area outside of the ruins. I sensed someone was nearby so I figured it must have been Olivia, but I was wrong so wrong. Out of the ruins came Lusamine with Steven following right behind her like a lapdog. I flinched a little as she stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as if I was no better than a bug underneath her shoe.

"A better question would be what are you doing here?" I hissed back at her feeling my anger rising.

"I don't believe I owe you an answer to that question." She said chuckling to herself. If she thought that just because Steven was there I wouldn't kill her butt, then she was dead wrong. I changed into an Absol and she froze a little at the sight.

"You owe me a lot, Lusamine. I think you should leave before I give you a reason to never look in a mirror again. Your pretty face would no longer be pretty." I snapped and I could see Gary tense up a little.

"I don't think you have the stomach to do such a thing." I was about to leap at her when Olivia walked out of the ruins herself and was staring down Lusamine as if she was the wicked witch of the west.

"You better listen to the girl or it will be me and her fighting against you." Lusamine flinched finally and walked away in high heels, the clicking continued until it slowly faded away into nothing. I looked at Olivia as I changed back to normal.

"Did she do something to the ruins?" I questioned.

"No, but only kahunas are allowed inside the ruins. So her being there upset Tapu Lele. However, I must thank you for driving her off." I shook my head.

"I really didn't do much, she was more scared of you than me." She chuckled.

"Fear has nothing to do with it, you have a will that could make anyone bow to you. But enough of that, you've come to challenge me, correct?" I nodded firmly. "Then allow me to show you my beloved rock pokemon. Together we will crush you into the earth." I pulled out a pokeball as she sent out a Nosepass.

"Glaceon spotlight!" I called out.

"Use Thunder Wave!"

"Dodge and use Blizzard!" I called out before the Thunder Wave could hit her. She blasted Nosepass back and the Blizzard hid her in the snow.

"Use Rock Blast!" I chuckled.

"Ice Shard, finish this up." The Ice Shard came from behind Nosepass, it had no time to dodge as it collided with it.

"Not bad, Glaceon sure is a strong opponent but do you think you can handle this one. Lycanroc, let's show them the true bond we possess!" The pokemon appeared and it looked crazy. It had red fur and blinding red eyes that glared at me sharply.

"Glaceon return, thanks for the help get a nice rest now. Alright then, Leafeon show time!" She appeared from her pokeball and looked at her opponent with amusement in her eyes. This seemed to make Lycanroc angrier as it charged her.

"Lycanroc what are you doing?!"

"Leafeon use Petal Dance." I called out lightly. The petals blasted Lycanroc back. "Attract!" She winked at it as hearts appeared around it. The Lycanroc started swaying as it stared at Leafeon with hearts in its eyes. I chuckled. "Let's finish this with Leaf Storm!" The leaves blasted Lycanroc back into Olivia and the two looked between one another and then Leafeon and I.

"That was a flawless strategy, how on earth did you manage that?" She asked confused.

"I have worked alongside my pokemon for years I know what works best for each of them. Nothing I do is every for show, it's all for the love of my pokemon." I said gently as I pet Leafeon's head. She smiled at me warmly. "Thanks for the help, get a nice rest now." I smiled at Olivia as she regained her composure and handed me the Rockium Z. Then showing me the pose which was quite different from the rest of them.

"Well congratulations you have beat me the Island Kahuna of Akala Island, now you will have the chance to move on to the next island."

"I see..." I muttered and looked out at the now sun rising sky. It was pink, orange and slightly purple. It reminded me of the times I had sat out with Umbreon and watched the sun rise. We would have always sat and talked about nothing of real importance but those moments were some special for us.

"Yo, yo, yo, we're back again. Kahuna Olivia why don't you hand over your pokemon already." I turned my attention away from the sun rising sky to see Team Skull standing there threatening Olivia.

"If you want to get her pokemon you have to go through me first." I said sharply. They turned their attention to me now.

"Yo, girly why don't you just run along and go bother someone else." I chuckled.

"I have no need for people like you." I turned to face them fully.

"Milotic Water Pulse!" I heard from behind me. I looked towards the cliff above us and saw Lusamine standing there with her Milotic. It blasted me into the ground. I coughed as water slammed into me.

"Kat!" Gary called out worried.

"Metagross, Thunderbolt." I knew that voice too, Steven. He sent it so Gary wouldn't try to come near me.

"Thunderbolt." Lusamine called out and the lightning shocked my entire body. I cried out in pain.

"Lusamine, this isn't what we were planning on doing." Steven said worried now.

"Shut up, she doesn't belong in this world. She's not pretty enough to be in my world." I continued to cry out as electricity circled around my body.

"Lusamine..." Steven muttered.

"Umbreon, I'm sorry...I failed...I won't be able to find you...I'm...sorry..." My vision started to go black when the electricity stopped. I opened my eyes gently and with some difficulty to see a black blob in front of me. My eyes adjusted and I froze when I saw who was standing there in front of me. "Um-Umbreon..." I muttered feeling tears in my eyes as she turned her head and smiled at me.

"I made it in time, that's good. Kat, I made a promise to you and I kept it in the end. We are ready for anything that comes our way." I nodded and struggled to my feet. I felt the tingling of the electricity still coursing through my body, but I glared up at both Steven and Lusamine. Lusamine looked utterly horrified to see Umbreon.

"H-how?!" She cried out.

"You should have never messed with us, Lusamine." I said sharply. "Umbreon use Dark Pulse!" My keystone glowed a rainbow hue emitting from all around Umbreon and I, this was different from when she normally does in her mega evolution. The yellow glow of the rings on her body changed to blue and she glared at Lusamine, she jumped into the air and blasted Milotic back into her. Metagross looked at Umbreon and then me. I knew he didn't want to do this.

"Metagross go, I won't hurt you. You were a great friend to Umbreon and I, so thank you for staying by my side when I needed you." I muttered and he went back to Steven. Lusamine glared at me but then took off as she realized she was seriously outnumbered now. Gary rushed to my side as I started to collapse.

"Kat!" Umbreon turned and rushed over. I went to my knees and hugged Umbreon tightly.

"Thank you. For coming back..." I started crying as she looked at me shocked.

"I didn't mean to make you worry so much." I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter now, you're back." I pulled out several pokeballs and threw them in the air. All of our friends came out and tackled Umbreon immediately. I smiled brightly as I saw the whole scene. Everyone was crying and so happy to see her again. I touched the necklace Tapu Koko had given to me.

Thank you Tapu Koko, thank you for showing me that there was another way. I have my partner back because of you and the other Tapus. Thank you...

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