Chapter 6: Akala Island

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Hala took me to the harbor so I could get a boat to the next island, even though I could have just flown there with Latias. I said a quick goodbye before joining the other people on the boat.

Once we pulled away from Melemele Island I looked forward to see the next island wasn't that far away from where we were, I guess they had to be close together but not completely able to swim all the way there.

I got off the boat once we landed and I went to explore the city we had arrived in, which I believe was Heahea City. I looked around at the shops and other facilities around town but something caught my eye. A woman with black hair and icy blue eyes was making her way towards me. I turned quickly and she smiled happily.

"You must be Katherine, Hala told me about your coming. My name is Olivia, I am the Kahuna of Akala Island. Welcome, and I look forward to you challenging me once you have beaten the three island captains here. I would start with Lana, her trial is up on Brooklet Hill, make your way there and challenge her and her water type friends." She walked away with nothing more to say.

"So, a water type trial, the first one of a normal type trial, then fighting and now water, I wonder if there are Z-Crystals for every pokemon type?" I said out loud.

"That's right." I turned sharply as someone commented from behind me. Steven was standing there and I flinched back quickly.

"Why are you here?" I said sharply.

"I came here to see about meeting someone, but I happened to see you so I thought..." He trailed off.

"You thought what? You thought I would forgive you for everything you did or forgive you little girlfriend for everything she's done?" I questioned firmly.

He frowned when he noticed that I was still angry over everything he had done to me two years ago.

"I didn't think I..."

"You didn't think what? You didn't hurt me...Steven I loved you, I finally thought I found someone who made me happy, but I was wrong and now I know I can't love anyone else in this world, not because I still love you because I don't but because I no longer trust people in this world." He frowned more as I said that statement.

"I never meant to hurt you, I didn't even think about you before I did what I did. I'm so sorry, Katherine."

"Don't, I don't need your stupid apology, because it's just empty words." I walked away from him quickly and towards Brooklet Hill like Olivia told me to.

"If you would just listen to me!" He called after me.

"Why should I ever listen to you again!?" I hissed back without stopping.

"Because I know you better than anyone else does!" I stopped dead in my tracks by that statement.

"You think you know me? You haven't seen me in two years, you know nothing about me. Nothing about what I have suffered through. So, go away and never bother me again or else it will be the last thing you do." I started walked again only this time him putting his hand on my shoulder caused Jolteon to appear from his pokeball and blasted him back.

"Don't you dare touch my trainer!" He hissed and Steven backed away. "You have no right to think you have any claim over her after everything you did." He hissed again.


"GO!" He yelled and I heard Steven's retreating footsteps.

"Thank you, Jolteon..." I muttered as I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Don't mention it, he doesn't deserve you. You're so much better than he is." I sighed and looked towards the sky.

I wonder if I can ever be happy again?


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