Part Fourteen - Birthday Surprises

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One Saturday in March we woke to a few rays of sunshine creeping through the slats in the blinds which Stephen had failed to pull properly the night before.

I stretched out lazily between the sheets, enjoying the lazy morning in bed. It was nice to be woke at a semi reasonable hour feeling well rested instead of a hateful hour, far too early and feeling like rubbish. I rolled over and snuggled into Stephen. His arm hooked around my shoulder. For a long second I didn't even realise the date. March fifteenth.

"Wakey wakey birthday girl!" Stephen cooed, giving me a shake.

I blinked a few times and stretched again. "Thank you lad," I murmured.

"Can I give you your present?" He asked as he pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin below my ear. I sighed in contentment and let my eyes flutter closed again.

"What is it?" I asked opening my eyes a fraction. I could just about make out his smiling face from beneath my eyelashes.

His fingers traced patterns on the skin close to my stomach. His fingers danced over my rounded stomach and I flushed with colour as I felt him run his fingers closer to the bottom of my bump.

"Hmm you cheaped out if sex is my gift," I joked as I tried not to moan in pleasure. He knew doing that got me all tingly inside.

Stephen laughed, a deep chuckle. His fingers dropped lower and I blushed deeper as I opened my legs a small fraction for him.

"No it's not your gift but... Nice wake up call and all," he mumbled as he leant in and kissed me gently.

His hand fell lower and I pulled him closer.

We rose over an hour later. I still felt light. It had been a relaxing morning in bed. It was now eleven and I was settling myself to do my makeup. We were meeting a few of our friends who were still in the country for dinner.

"Can I give you your present now?" Stephen asked as I applied my foundation.

"Now, wasn't that my present?" I said as I raised my eyebrows in the direction of our bed.

He shook his head. "I got you this," he murmured. He lifted a small velvet box from his pocket. Oh shit! Too soon. I wanted him to put the box away.

"Stephen...." I breathed. Too soon. Too soon.

"Ciara, before you pass out with shock and panic. It's a promise ring. Not a real ring." He said it gently.

I frowned. "A promise ring?" I'd never heard of one.

"It's an older sort of thing. Basically it's a promise that one day I'll replace it with a real ring." He explained carefully, slowly. "Will you wear my ring?"

"Of course I will," I said with a grin.

He opened the box and slid a beautiful white gold Claddagh ring onto my ring finger. I loved the Claddagh ring. A symbol of love and friendship where we came from. Three small diamonds were set into the ring. It was something I'd have picked. It fit perfectly and glittered when it caught the light.

"Thank you lad, it's beautiful," I said gently. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mines lightly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He let me alone to do my makeup and process the ring. It was incredible. Absolutely stunning. I'd never seen something that I'd loved as much. For a second I could only imagine if I loved my promise ring so much that if absolutely adore my engagement ring but I couldn't dwell too much on that happy thought. I started into my eyeshadow doing a neutral smokey eye. I liked to look the part for heading out. I slipped on one of the few dresses I'd bought to wear while I was pregnant. A plain black bodycon dress. I wore it with low heels so I didn't hurt my back or feet. I smiled as I glanced into the mirror. Bubs had made me fatter than I'd ever been but it was all baby, round the middle, to the front. I carried pregnancy well. I rested my hand on my bump, the only thing I ever thought was I carried very high. Bubs kicked my hand as I stood there.

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