chapter 9 - Wolf's Bane

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  From 1.02 "Second Chance at First Line", outside the Hale House, Stiles and Scott stood above Laura's grave. 

Tara: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"   

Stiles looked up, his gaze landing on a purple flower above the ground.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Do you see that flower?" Stiles asked.

"What about it?" Scott asked.

"I think it's wolfsbane," Stiles answered.

From 1.07 "Night School", in BHHS' cafeteria, Scott, Allison, Stiles, Stacie, Ari, Lydia and Jackson were gathered.

Allison looked from Ari and Scott to Stacie and Stiles. "Who? Who is it?"

There was a beat of silence.

Scott let out a long sigh. "It's Derek and Tara Hale."

Ari, Stacie and Stiles looked at him in surprise, careful not to show the others.

From 1.04 "Magic Bullet", in BHHS' hallway, Tara started to walk past Jackson.

Jackson turned to Tara, grabbing her shoulder. "No, we're not done here--"

Tara turned back to Jackson angrily, pushing him face first against the lockers, her claws in the back of his neck. "Yeah, we are."

Tara took her claws from out of his neck, turning to Derek.

From 1.06 "Heart Monitor", in the boys' locker room, Jackson was suddenly worse, looking as if he were about to vomit, the Alpha's clawed fingers climbing their way out.

Jackson leaned forward, all signs of the hallucination completely gone.

From 1.08 "Lunatic", in BHHS' cafeteria, Allison sat alone at a table, taking a bite of a mozzarella stick.

Jackson sat next to her.

Allison looked up, smiling, mozzarella sauce on the corner of her lip.

"Oh, uh, you got something on your..." Jackson trailed off. "Let me."

Jackson carefully reached forward, using his thumb to wipe the sauce away, licking it off of his thumb.

From 1.08 "Lunatic", in Lydia's car, Lydia was driving.

Ari was in the passenger seat, looking out of the window, seemingly having the same bad attitude that Scott had had since the previous night.

"What exactly did Derek do to your motorcycle?" Lydia asked. "Or was it Tara?"

Ari shook her head. "You don't want to know."

Lydia sighed. "Ari, you're not leaving this car until you give me an answer to why you left us in that classroom, not knowing if you were ever gonna come back."

Ari exhaled, sighing, looking away. "I was trying to protect you." She looked at Lydia. "I've lost too much already. I couldn't lose you, too." 

Lydia smiled a small, surprised smile, touched. 

From 1.08 "Lunatic", in the McCall House, in his bedroom, Scott sat down on his bed, facing Derek. "I can't do this. I can't be this and be with Allison. I need you to tell me the truth. Is there a cure?"

From 1.08 "Lunatic", in Ari's House, in her bedroom, Ari sat down on her bed, facing Tara. "What is it?"

"You have to kill the one who bit you," Tara answered.

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