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troye woke up in the mist of the night, his lungs trying to breathe but failing, everything was spinning and the tears wouldn't stop falling from his eyes as the pain ran through his chest and down his whole body, filling his lungs each time he would breathe.

"j-j-jacob," troye gasp unable to move his body or call out for help loud enough.

but jacob heard him, he bolted awake, untangling himself from the blankets and running to get his mother.

jacob barges into her room a stream of tears running down his cheeks as he yelled for her to help him.

his mother quickly got up hearing the panic in his voice.

back in jacob's room troye was drifting in and out of consciousness. by the time jacob arrived he was nearly out.

"please don't leave me troye," jacob sobs into his beanie holding onto his tiny body that practically nothing but bone.

when they arrived to the hospital troye was rushed away and jacob his mother were left to wonder what would happen to the once raven haired boy.

jacob paced the waiting room, trying to calm his beating heart. he knew this was it. but he couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope, telling himself troye possibly was going to live.

"mom is going to be okay?" he stands in front of her, dried tears on his cheeks.

his mother looks into his eyes, a uncertainty behind her hazel orbs. "honey i don't know. all we can do is hope for the best,"

instead the worst came

several hours later a doctor comes out, with a mournful sigh and a click of his pen he calls out troye's name. jacob's heart sinks his breathing stopping.

"we tried everything sir, i'm sorry for your loss," he clicks his pens writing down something.

"no! he can't be gone. no,no,no-," jacob's broken sobs cut him off as he crashes into his mother's arms.

he had prepared himself for this news for months, but hearing it out loud and knowing he'd never get to see his beautiful blue eyes again or hear his giggle brought a pain to his chest that hurt so bad he felt like a million needles were stabbing him.

troye's last breath was spent as a struggle in a hospital. jacob wasn't by his side like he had promised him that night he thought he was dying.

troye wanted to be thin yet the cost of him being thin was him losing his true love; jacob bixenman

months passed after his death, and unlike he promised he couldn't stop thinking about the other half of his heart that missing entirely.

no one ever filled the space in his heart that was missing.

the end

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