1. Choices

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(Eight years later, Sean is 18, Julian is 23, John and Ringo are 38)

Welcome back to the world of the kiddos and their lovely gay fathers!

I forgot to say this before but since George was only mentioned twice in Kiddos and we don't know much about him, he did have a son (Dhani of course) so Dhani is the son of George and he's the same age as Julian (his boyfriend)

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"Which ones did you say you were applying for again?" John sat down next to his son and looked at the computer screen.

"I was thinking maybe NYU or Cornell," Sean sighed and cleared the screen only to type in another name. "I wanna be close to home."

"How odd," Ringo scoffed. "I thought you'd be like Julian and try to get as far away from us as possible."

"No I wanna stay close," Sean smiled and pushed up his glasses at the same time John did. Ringo chuckled at the two and kissed Sean's head before pressing a kiss onto John's cheek. "I think I'll drive home every weekend to see you guys."

"Shouldn't be out partying and getting drunk or something?" John chuckled.

"Yeah and you could be like Julian: his friends used to send us videos of him while he was drunk but we've never told him about it." Ringo smiled and John laughed at the memory.

"Now Dhani does that," John pointed out and Ringo nodded. "Thank god. For all we know he could be-"

"And that's where we stop in today's episode of 'What's Julian Up To.'" Ringo reached over Sean's head and put his hand over John's mouth before he could say anything inappropriate. Sean smiled and searched up Harvard on the laptop.

"What about this one?" Sean showed his fathers the screen and they looked at each other with doubt.

"Tiger," John said softly. "Isn't Harvard a bit too, y'know, exclusive?"

"What? Are you saying that I'm not smart enough to get into it?" Sean scoffed.

"John come on," Ringo frowned and pushed back his hair from his eyes. "Don't discourage the lad."

"But-" John tried to speak up.

"Hey Dad I know which one I'm applying to." Sean interrupted him through gritted teeth.

"Which one?" Ringo looked over at his son curiously.

"Harvard," Sean smirked when he saw John's face go pale. "And maybe Cornell if I can't get into Harvard."

"Good choice kiddo," Ringo smiled and ruffled his hair affectionately. "What do you think John?"

"I think that I want to talk to you privately in the kitchen." John got up. His head spun and he felt like passing out.

Sean sighed and began to search up the application papers for both colleges.

"Darling," John leaned against the counter of the kitchen and looked at Ringo with worried eyes. "Do you really think he has a chance at getting into those schools?"

"He's very smart," Ringo said and moved to John's side. "I have confidence that he can get in. Besides, Julian got into Yale with scholarships by some miracle so I'm pretty sure that Sean can get into a prestigious school like Harvard."

"Oh what will I ever do without your confidence?" John grinned and pulled his husband of 11 years close to his chest. He kissed him softly and smiled when he felt his husband wrap his arms around his neck to pull him closer.

"You'd be lost without me." Ringo pulled away momentarily and giggled when John rolled his eyes.

"I love you." John kissed him quickly.

"I love you too." Ringo smiled and kissed him back.

All Grown Up ★ lennstarr Where stories live. Discover now