9. Oh

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"Jules," Dhani held onto his boyfriend's side in the crowded train. "Do you think Sean's angry at you?"

"Angry?" Julian scoffed.

"Yeah," Dhani shrugged. "He didn't sleep in his room, he didn't come out for breakfast, and he didn't say goodbye to us."

"He might just be moody or something," Julian shrugged. "It's not uncommon of him."

"You make it sound like he's on his period or something." Dhani snorted.

"Oh shut up," Julian rolled his eyes and pushed Dhani. "That's me brother you're talking about."

"Me brother? Oh god he's getting more Scouse by the minute!" Dhani howled with laughter and Julian of course had to blush like mad.

"Did you forget we're in public?" Julian whispered.

"Did you forget that New York City transportation is fucking insane?" Dhani smirked and poked Julian's cheek softly.

"Maybe," Julian blushed a slight pink and pushed Dhani away from him. "Just try to act normal for a couple of minutes."

They'd managed to make it home in about half an hour and Julian was a little more than delighted to be back. He practically ran to his bed, grinning softly when he felt himself sink into the mattress. He missed it badly. Wow. He missed this so much after being gone for one day more than he missed being at home for two years.

"Oi Lennon," Dhani grinned and sat down next to Julian, stroking his hair gently before planting a soft kiss onto his forehead. "What's got your knickers in a twist?"

Julian glared at him before sighing and extending his hands helplessly to him. Dhani smiled softly and engulfed his boyfriend in his arms, kissing his messy hair absentmindedly while the man sighed with some sort of satisfaction in his heart.

"I dunno. It's just that, I don't think I'm missing my family the way I should be y'know? And it's getting kinda frustrating that it's happening. But maybe it's just me, right?" Julian sighed and pressed his cheek against his fist.

"Well," Dhani sighed and furrowed his brows. "I wouldn't say that it's just you. I did sense some sort of discomfort between the lad and you so there might've been something going wrong but maybe it was actually him. No one knows for certain and hey, he's a teenager, it must be hormones or something."

Julian giggled. "It might just be that. At least I hope so."

"So do I," Dhani chuckled and kissed the man's head gently. "Say, how about later we go out to the park? Look at the stars for a bit? We haven't done that in a long time y'know."

"Ugh you're so disgustingly cheesy," Julian rolled his eyes. "I love you for it y'know."

"Love you too." Dhani smiled and leaned to kiss him sweetly.

Dhani was nervous.

Was it always this hard to pop the big question? Maybe he should've asked Mr. Lennon-Starkey for some advice. He sure as hell knew what he was doing when he proposed.

Dhani looked over at his boyfriend, hopefully fiancé, and blushed. He laid on his back, pointing up at a shimmering star that seemed to swirl around in the dim New York sky. There were rarely any stars here anyways.

Julian grabbed onto Dhani's hand softly and giggled when he saw that his cheeks were tinted. "Look at that one," Julian grinned his brilliant grin. "It's beautiful. Like you."

Dhani blushed an even darker red and hid his face when Julian snickered at him. He looked down and tapped the man's nose gently before kissing it. The timing was perfect. Surely he could do it now.

"Hey Jules," Dhani said, his vice cracking a small bit. "I need to tell you something."

"Well," Julian smiled and sat up. "What is it?"

"Oh, um," Dhani laughed nervously and sat on his knees. He made a grip for the grass beneath him and blushed a stubborn red when he saw he had ripped it out from the ground. "This is kinda hard to explain but-"

Julian cut him off with a soothing kiss on his lips. He melted at the touch and kissed back, feeling the heat in his cheeks grow stronger. "Baby," Julian smiled and caressed Dhani's embarrassingly red cheek in his hands. "You can tell me anything."

Dhani nodded and pressed a kiss to Julian's forehead quickly before pulling him away. He looked down at his hands and finally took a deep breath before beginning.

"Erm, so Julian, we've been together for kind of a long time. Right? So I've been thinking, well- oh god I'm messing this up. This is bloody awful. I'm so sorry I'm trying to make this cute and stuff but god I just can't seem to-"

Julian tackled the man and pulled him in for a wonderful kiss. The type of kiss that gave him even more butterflies than usual. Julian pulled away and stared into Dhani's darker, mysterious eyes. In them he saw love, joy, everything that made Julian fall in love with him.

"I saw the box a few days ago," Julian whispered against Dhani's lips. "And I heard you practicing the speech."

"Should've been more secretive about that then." Dhani blushed.

"You really should've," Julian giggled. He adjusted himself on Dhani's chest and kissed him once more. "I say yes by the way. I'll marry you."

★ ★ ★

(Special thanks to gothicpimp7wishu for helping me come up with the proposal idea even though you didn't know what it was for lol hope it was worth not knowing)

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