4. Surprise

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"You haven't seen them in a long time," Dhani said and followed Julian to the tall building alongside the famous "billionaires row" in Central Park West. "Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"I am entitled to see my family aren't I?" Julian scoffed and waved at the guard who he'd known his entire life.

The lobby was still a cleanly white and he missed running through it, racing with Sean to see who could punch the elevator button first. Stepping into the elevator almost made Julian pass out. He was nervous, more nervous than you could ever imagine.

"You alright, love?" Dhani reached for Julian's hand and kissed his knuckles gently.

"I feel like throwing up," Julian sucked in a deep breath and looked down. "Do you think they'll hate me for not visiting them?"

"They're your family," Dhani said. "They can't hate you."

"You're right," Julian nodded. The elevator door opened to his floor. "They can't hate me."

Julian didn't let go of his boyfriend's hand as they walked down the hallways and stopped at the door that used to be where he lived. Behind that door was his fathers and his brother. Behind that door was his family that he loved more than anything in the world. Behind that door was his family that he hadn't seen ever since he graduated from college and moved in with Dhani.

"We don't have to do this y'know," Dhani held onto Julian's hand when he saw him start to shake. "We can leave if you want to."

"No," Julian said a little too quickly and looked down at his shaking hand. "It's fine."

Julian inserted the key to his home and walked into the apartment.

"Who's there," Sean called out. "Who's here? Dad?"

"Do I look like Dad to you?" Julian grinned when he heard his brother's voice and giggled when he heard a sudden gasp and footsteps trampling for him.

"Jules!" Sean had come into view, his black hair falling into his eyes as he almost fainted at the sight of his brother.

"Hey Tiger," Julian sneered and embraced his brother in a tight hug. "Oh god I've missed you so much. Look at how much you've grown! Holy shit!"

Sean had cut his hair a bit shorter than he'd had it before. No longer was it up to his shoulders, it was combed neatly over his head and a bit fell into his eyes. There was a small hint of fading blonde that he must've begged Dad and Daddy to let him have. He wore the same type of thin circular glasses that his father wore. Now, with his age, you could clearly tell the difference between the two and you knew that they weren't from the same mother.

Julian was more pale. He had his father's nose. He had a lighter shade of hair that must've come from his mother although Daddy had told him that she was a blonde. His features were soft, a combination between his mother and father. Sean on the other hand had a more tan color to him. He looked distinctly Asian. He had his mother's nose and much more defined features than Julian did. Sharp jaw, sharp cheekbones, sharp eyes. But his smile was the same one that Julian wore. It was their father's smile. Something they were both glad to share.

"Sean why are you yelling? I swear sometimes-" John had sighed and walked into the doorway where he went pale.

"Hey Daddy," Julian smiled. "I've missed you."

"Oh my god," John practically went running for his son and took him in for a hug. He missed the boy far beyond imaginable. "You're here."

"Yeah," Julian sighed against his father's shoulder. "Where's Dad?"

"He's out, I think he'll be back any mi-"

"Oh my god." It was Ringo's voice in the doorway.

"Dad!" Julian pried away from his father and ran for his other one.

The blue eyed man was in shock. He clung onto his son desperately and looked over at his husband in shock. He was here? He was really here?

"I didn't think you'd come over," Ringo didn't know how he'd managed to let words spill from his lips. "I missed you y'know."

"I know," Julian smiled and held his father closer. "I know."

All Grown Up ★ lennstarr Where stories live. Discover now