2. Catching Up

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"Really," Julian smiled as he spoke into the phone. "Well tell him sent him my love and that I hope he gets in."

"We miss you, y'know." Julian smiled when he heard his father speak softly into the phone.

"Yeah I know," Julian sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I miss you guys too."

"Come visit us," his father whined. "You were always my favorite person in the house y'know."

"Dad!" Julian laughed and made his way to his bedroom. "Isn't that a bit rude?"

"No," his father scoffed. Julian could already imagine that he was pouting. "It's called telling the truth. Besides, John isn't taking the news well."

"What'd Daddy say this time?" Julian sighed and blew a kiss at his boyfriend who furrowed his brows in confusion.

Dad Julian had mouthed and Dhani nodded.

"He doesn't think Sean can get into Harvard-"

"Wait," Julian almost shouted and sat down on his bed next to Dhani. "He wants to get into Harvard?"

"Well he's applying for it as we speak," Ringo sighed. "Johns still trying to talk him out of Harvard."

"What's his second option," Julian asked. Dhani poked him in the side and Julian stick out his tongue playfully at him. "Dhani says hi by the way."

"Tell him I said hello too," Ringo chuckled. "Sean said Cornell if it doesn't work out."

"Cornell?" Julian asked.

"He wants to stay close by." Ringo said and Julian felt himself nodding even though his father couldn't see that.

"Well," Julian sighed and rested his head on Dhani's stomach. "Let's just hope he gets scholarships like I did so you guys don't have to pay for him."

"We can only hope," Ringo laughed and so did Julian. "Listen I have to go, John's starting to yell at the lad and I'm not sure what's going on. Love you kiddo. Tell Dhani I said bye."

"Bye Dad, love you too. Tell Daddy and Sean I love 'em." Julian said and hung up. He sighed and tossed his phone aside.

"What's the matter?" Dhani combed his fingers through Julian's auburn hair.

"Sean," Julian sighed and snuggled closer to Dhani. "He's applying for college and Daddy doesn't want him to apply for Harvard. Oh and Dad says hi and bye."

"Harvard?" Dhani chuckled. "Don't you think that's a bit too, I don't know, risky?"

"I don't know, his grades are good so he might get in. But he did get suspended from school a lot." Julian said.

"Like his older brother." Dhani laughed and Julian let it a small giggle.

"Hell, I'm surprised that I got into Yale anyways." Julian snorted.

"Yeah what with all the fights you got into. Especially in high school." Dhani shook his head.

"Hey you joined one fight with me and got suspended too," Julian reasoned. "And you were around Sean long enough to start influencing him too."

"Sh," Dhani reached for Julian's face and pressed a finger onto his lips. "No one needs to know about that. They never put it on my record anyways."

"What?" Julian shot up and playfully shoved Dhani. "That's not fair!"

"Yes it is," Dhani grinned and shoved Julian back. "It's called being a good fucking child."

"It's called bias," Julian pouted and Dhani smiled. "And I won't stand for it."

"Jesus Christ you're exactly like your father." Dhani laughed and pressed a kiss against Julian's cheek.

"Which one?" Julian laughed and tapped Dhani's nose gently.

"Does it really matter?" Dhani smiled and pulled Julian in for a kiss that reminded him all too much of what he used to see his fathers do every single day while he was still at home.

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