12. It Was All A Lie

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Sean sighed and kicked at the legs of his bed rather harshly. What the hell were his parents hiding from him?

Surely they couldn't be hiding something that had to with Jules. Besides, they know that he was a bit bothered by him so it might just be something stupid. At least, Sean hoped it was something stupid.

He let out a loud groan when he heard ringing and he realized it was his stupid laptop. Oh right, Julian must be calling him.

Sean raised his head slightly. He contemplated whether or not he should answer and finally settled on doing what he supposed was right.

He picked up the laptop and set it down on the bed before answering.

"Hey," Julian's smile was just like his and for some reason it made Sean want to rip off his own mouth. "What's up with you Tiger?"

"Not much," Sean tried and managed to smile a weak smile. "Sorry I couldn't be there to say bye to you in the morning. I fell asleep and y'know that Dad and Daddy's bed is super comfortable. Like sleeping on a cloud."

"I haven't slept there in years. Especially after the incident." Julian shuddered and as a result Sean did too.

"Never thought I'd have to learn about the birds and the bees at such an early age." Sean muttered and looked down at his screen.

His brother was glowing. His smile was wider than normal, his eyes were sparkling, his cheeks were redder. What's got him so happy?

"That was the most awkward day of my life," Julian said with a sort of blush on his cheeks and Sean nodded to himself. He only looked at him rather oddly when he saw him begin to fiddle about with something on his finger. "Hey Tiger? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," Sean seemed to have scoffed and rested his chin in his hand. "You can tell me anything. We are brothers after all."

"Well," Julian looked down once again and fiddled with something in his finger once again. "You know that I- okay so you know that I love Dhani a lot right?"

"Of course," Sean said with his best fake grin. It ended up looking more painful than it did sincere. "You never shut up about him."

"Well when you put it that way," Julian murmured and blushed when Dhani came by and kissed him. The younger of the pair glanced over at Julian's little brother and grinned. He waved before Julian forcefully pushed him away. There was a thud and a curse. "Anyways, I need to tell you something. And it's super important."

"Lay it on me Lennon," Sean chuckled. "I'm a big kid. I can take it."

"Well, how should I put this," Julian looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "When you get older you start to grow up right? So me and Dhani we're, well we're getting married."

Sean's heart dropped to his stomach the second he heard married. No, this couldn't be happening. This just couldn't be happening. He couldn't lose his brother now. Not to that British bound lad.

"That's-that's great. I'm so happy for you." Sean said with watery eyes and a trembling smile. "I can't wait to get a new brother as a part of my family."

"I'm glad you could understand," Julian smiled brightly. "And to think, Dad told me to put the wedding on hold because you might have a problem with it."

"Wait," Sean furrowed his brows and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. "You told Dad? He didn't tell me a thing."

"Weird, anyways we might have the wedding in a month or so. Let's hope that suit from Dad and Daddy's wedding still fits us." Julian laughed and so did Sean.

"I hope it does. Don't wanna have to buy more fucking suits." Sean murmured, looking over at the wall in his room blankly, tears blurring his vision even more.

"Hey Tiger," Julian asked and Sean's attention went back to the screen. "You alright there?"

"Better than ever," Sean grinned and blinked rapidly. He looked away and cursed softly. God damn it. "Listen, I'm fucking exhausted right about now. How about we get some sleep and we talk tomorrow?"

"Of course, anything for you Tiger. See you soon alright?" Julian smiled and so did Sean.

"See ya Jules." Sean finally said and shut the laptop before anything else could be said.

He practically threw the laptop across the room as he gathered his bed sheets in his fists and cried silent tears for the lies his father's kept from him and the painful truth that his big brother Julian was sadly growing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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