3. Loneliness

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"Dad called you right?" Sean smiled when he saw his brother nod.

When Dad and Daddy had "fallen asleep," Sean had normally taken the time to Skype with Julian. He truly missed his older brother and the sensation of longing worsened when he'd started to sleep on what used to be Julian's bed in their shared bedroom that still bared the two twin beds sitting idly across from each other.

Julian had playfully told him that he's too old to be missing him even though the older man yearned for his brother like there was no tomorrow.

"Harvard eh?" Dhani called out from behind Julian and Sean smiled when his older brother smacked his boyfriend across the face playfully.

"Fuck off Harrison," Julian groaned and returned his attention to Sean. "Anyways, you're really doing this huh?"

"Yeah," Sean nodded and looked at his brother. He looked exactly like Daddy. "You think I'll get in?"

"Well you are my brother," Julian smirked and Sean couldn't help but laugh. "So of course you'll get in. I have faith in you, Tiger."

"Ugh shut up," Sean groaned and Julian started to laugh hysterically. "I'm 18, not 5."

"Dad and Daddy still call you that don't they?" Julian stuck out his tongue at Sean and laughed when the younger man stuck up the middle finger at him.

"Yeah well only they can call me that." Sean huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Are they asleep?" Julian asked, making quotation with his fingers when he said asleep.

"Hold on a sec," Sean got up from the bed and pressed and ear onto his door. No moaning, no bed springs croaking, a bit of snoring though. He got back to his bed and nodded. "Yeah they're asleep."

"Oh thank god," Julian smiled and Sean did too. "I remember we were out of that house every few months because of Daddy, the horny bastard."

"Thank god they're asleep. If they heard you say that they would've grounded you all the way from Manhattan." Sean laughed and Julian rolled his eyes.

"They can't ground me, I'm grown and I live in Brooklyn." Julian scoffed.

"They're your parents," Sean said. "They can do whatever the fuck they feel like doing to you."

"Sadly," Julian sighed and slid back onto his bed. "I think I'll go visit you guys actually."

"Really?" Sean sat up and almost fell out of bed in the process.

"Jesus Christ calm down," Julian laughed and ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and rested his head on his hands. "I miss you guys. A lot."

"Well I don't know about Daddy and Dad but I miss you like crazy." Sean sighed.

"Should I bring the idiot home too?" Julian made a lazy gesture with his head to his boyfriend who was walking around the room absentmindedly.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I graduated with all A's and got the honors to deliver my speech at Oxford!" Dhani gasped and tried to hit Julian but the man grabbed his hand before it could hit him.

"Oh stop showing off Brit Boy." Julian rolled his eyes.

"You were born in England too you dunce," Dhani rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous because you had to leave England when you were a baby unlike me!"

"You idiot, you had to leave for high school to come here. I'm surprised Oxford even accepted you." Julian rolled his eyes.

"Lovers quarrel." Sean laughed when he saw his brother's cheeks tinge red.

"Fuck off Lennon." Julian mumbled.

"You're a Lennon too," Sean smiled. "See you sometime soon then. Love you."

"That's right mate," Julian grinned. "Love you too."

They ended the call and Sean closed his laptop screen. His brother was so different from before.

His hair was slicked back now, he wore leather jackets, he had his own apartment, his British accent was more pronounced, much like Dad and Daddy's. Sean sighed and wrapped the sheets over his head, smiling when he caught the faint scent of Julian in the sheets. It only made him miss him more.

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