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Freddy's POV:

I woke up around 9am and realized it was finally Saturday!! That means I can skateboard at the park!!
So I had breakfast and got ready to go to the park. When I got there, I went right to the skateboard "zone" and started doing some cool tricks when I saw Summer.
I started walking to her, while waving.
"Morning, Sum!"
"Morning, Freddy!" She answered, smiling.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"I just wanted to take a walk, but then I saw you here!"
"Right. Well, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to make a deal with you."
"Okay, and what is it?"
"Let's just say I'm not doing so great on math. And since you're the best student in our class, you would tutor me, and I would teach you how to skateboard!" I said, hoping she would say yes. I really need a tutor, and it'd be another chance to spend more time with her!
She thought about it for q few seconds, then answered me:
"Deal. I'm in!" She said, shaking my hand.
But when she touched me hand, I felt like we were the only two people here. It was almost magical!
When we locked eyes, everything was perfect. I felt my cheeks starting to blush, so, to hide it, I spoke the first thing that came into my mind:
"So, do you wanna start the skateboarding lesson now?"
"Sure! Why not?!"
"Okay. First of all, security. Here, use my helmet and kneepads."
I helped her put the kneepads on and then the helmet. When I touched her chin, she looked at me and we locked eyes again. It was like our souls were united, I could see the beautiful sparkle of her blue eyes.
I started blushing again, so I spoke up before she could notice it:
"Okay, you're ready. Step up and try to balance."
She did as I said. To help her, I grabbed her hands, so she wouldn't fall.
"Now I'm gonna let go of your hand, and you'll try to balance by yourself, okay?" I asked her.
"Okay!" She said, looking a bit nervous. When I let go of her hand, she didn't fell! She stood there, like it was natural for her!
"Look at you, Sum! You're doing great!" I complimented her.
"Thanks!" She answered. Wait, did I see her blushing?
Anyways, it was probably nothing. A girl like her would never like a guy like me, right?!
But then I saw her looking at another direction with a worried look. She was looking at Tori, a girl from our school that has a crush on me. Ugh. I don't like her, she doesn't look like a good person, I don't really know why.
Tori was coming to us, and started looking evily at Summer. Weird.
"Hey, Loser!" Tori said to Summer. Double weird. "Do you really think you'll be able to skateboard? Even with a hot teacher like Freddy, you never will be good at something."
Triple weird AND disgusting.
But then, Tori pushed Summer, that still was on my skateboard, and it started moving REALLY fast. Like really really really fast.
It hitted a rock, and Summer flew through the air and landed on the ground. She didn't move. Oh no.
"Summer!" I screamed, worried about Sum.
"What did you do?!?!" I said to Tori, really angry.
I ran as fast as I could towards Summer. She was uncounscious, and her face looked pale.
She had a cut on her forehead, so I ripped a piece of my shirt and put it on it, to stop it from bleeding. It was my favorite shirt, but I didn't care. Summer is way more important.
I grabbed her body and started running to the nearest hospital, carrying her in my arms.
When I got there, I started asking for help when a nurse aproached me.
"What happened?" She asked me.
"She was trying to skateboard, but then a girl pushed her and she started moving really fast. The she fell to the ground and hitted her head." I answered, in the verge of crying.
"Okay. We'll take care of her."
"Thank you so much!"
"What's her name?"
"S-Summer. Summer Hathaway." When I said her name, I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Thank you." She said, taking Summer from me and carrying her to a room.
"Can I come too?" I said, with some hope.
"I'm sorry, I think it's better that you wait over there." She said, pointing to a bunch of chairs.
I nodded and went to sit, as I was told to.
When I sat there, I broke down crying. I was so worried about Summer! She got hurt and it was my fault.
I think I fell asleep on the chair, because I woke up with the nurse saying:
"Any Summer Hathaway's realtives?"
"I'm her friend!" I got up, saying loud enought for her to hear me.
"That's fine. You may follow me please."
The nurse led me to Summer's room. I got in and saw Summer laid on the bed, already awake.

Yoooo guys!! What's up??
Wanna know why I'm so happy?
1) since carnival is taken seriously where I live, I don't have school 'til Thurday!! Yayyyy
2) the SOR cast is already working on season 3!! And I read on IMDB (or something like that) that Summer and Freddy will start hanging out during the first episode!!!! GO FREMMERRRRR

Yoooo guys!! What's up??Wanna know why I'm so happy?1) since carnival is taken seriously where I live, I don't have school 'til Thurday!! Yayyyy2) the SOR cast is already working on season 3!! And I read on IMDB (or something like that) that Summe...

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Anyways, I hope you guys have a great weekend!
Love you ❤️

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