Escaping The Prison

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Life always have both good and BAD,
There will be always things that can make us SAD
So forget about what we want but don't HAVE,
Look at the bright side of the life,
Be happy for things which we didn't asked for but we GET

Ash's P.O.V.
After being captured, the man took us to their leader who was sitting on my dad's place. When we got there, I saw dad was their tied in ropes. His pokemon were...fainted? How can someone defeat Xerneas? Wait a second, his chest is not moving. I-it can't be. It-it-it's dead? Wait a second, I know that man! He is the leader of team yveltal, LYSANDRE! He has a f*cking yveltal that's why! He must've used more pokemon with yveltal to overpower my dad's xerneas! Where's Dawn? She must've escaped after all my little sister is sneaky. Speaking of her, must've reached the lake by now. "You motherf*cking.........." and my mother continued swearing but my full focus was on my father. He was getting purple and he...fainted? Tears started rolling down my cheek and I started shouting "DAD! DAD! DAAAD!" Lysandre started laughing and my mother started crying.
Now it was my time to swear. He didn't even flinched until my last line "...and a child is insulting you and you can't do anything!". He took out a sword and killed my mother and said "Send him to the jail. I sentence him lifetime imprisonment. Let's see what he can do to in his whole lifetime". I was sent to jail and I slept crying.

Aaaaand over....Sike!

Next day, I woke up when sunrays hit my face in hope that it was all a nightmare. My worst one. But all the hope vanished with one view of the room I was in.
I saw the gaurds sleeping in front of an empty cell. Suddenly, I heard a clashing sound and I turned to see pikachu and froakie hitting the metal bars lightly to get only my attention.
A huge smile made its way on my face and I saw pikachu drop a letter. I start reading the letter.
Dear Ash,
If you find this letter, glad you are safe! What about mom and dad? I found a girl at forest boundary along with her brother doing their school homework. I brought them with me. Whole city is fearing team yveltal so they would tell Lysandre if we blow up the cover. We are hiding at Iris's.
A tear of joy flow down my eyes.
As I was about to give it back to pikachu and froakie I found another letter in a better handwriting.

Ash! If you're reading this letter THANK ARCEUS! Glad you're safe. I hid chimchar's pokeball in froakie's frubble. Burn the letter so no evidence is left.
I obeyed what the letter told me wondering who wrote it. As I think if it, it can be anyone of both the girl or the brother. What if the girl is...Serena.
My cheeks started burning again at the thought. Pikachu cut the metals bars from the window using iron tail. We use froakie's frubble to get down but before getting down, I take some of froakie's frubble and shape them like metal bars. Then I tell chimchar to heat up the frubbles to darken their colour. He heats then until their colour become an exact shade of the original metal bars. Then I put them at the place original metal bar which chimchar burrowed using dig.
As we got down, I told chimchar to burn all the frubbles. After he was done, I told froakie to thow a water pulse near the wall and pikachu to use iron tail to throw him up. As froakie reached the correct height, he used pound to meake water pulse explode. Water sprinkled everywhere, clearing the ashes of frubbles away. Now if there is no sign of my escape into forest, he won't check it.

Narrator's P.O.V.

Ash thanked his pokemons and let them inside their respective pokeballs for rest instead of pikachu of course who climbed on his shoulder.
He ran non-stop with the thought of meeting his friend Iris, his sister Dawn and the other two people she mentioned.
As he reached the lake, he was overjoyed to see Iris and Dawn making another tree house. He ran to them and hugged Dawn from behind with tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Wha-who-Ash!" she said as she turned around. She hugged him, tears flowing down her cheeks too. Iris just stood there with a smile and tears forming in her eyes and she mumbled "Su-su-such a kid" and started sobbing
Serena and Gary, the non-identical twins who were watching all this mumbled together "Lucky". They looked at each other and smirked "You help me and I help you. Deal?" "Deal!".
Then Serena saw Ash breaking the hug and Dawn wipes her tears. Then he look at Iris whose one tear has fallen by now from witnessing such an emotional scene and hugs her too but not as long as Dawn, just for a few seconds. Serena gritted her teeth's with an angry look which soon turned into a frown "I wish he would embrace me one day" she said forgetting all about Gary. But he heard it and ran to Ash who was listening to Dawn's story from escape to meeting his pokemon here and their current status.
"So you must be the Prince Ashy-boy whom Dawn told me about" he yelled. "Uh...Who are you?" he asked sweatdropping by the nickname. "The one and only Gary Oak!" He yelled his name. "So you must be the one Dawn helped along with you sister. Talking about her, where is your sister anyways?" he asked. "Wanna meet girls so soon huh, Ashy-boy" he teased and turned around. "Sis, your prince is calling you!" he shouted.
A blush on her face from 'Your Prince' and she walked to them. A blush formed on his face too as he saw Serena walking to him. Then he remembered 'Your Prince' and his blush got a darker shade.
They both looked into each other's eyes unable to look away. They both kept looking and came closer and closer until..."Oi, lovebirds. We need shelter. So let's continue the hard work" Gary interrupted. Both of their blushes got as red as a human can reach. They both death glared Gary but he just said "Whaaat? I don't want my sister to lose her virginity at such young age".
Her face surpassed human limits of going red while Ash's face went an unimaginably dark red shade.

Wohoooo! AMOURSHIPPING JUST STARTED!!!! MY LONGEST CHAPTER TILL NOW. I think I should've actually ended above but it would've made both the chapter smaller. Vote, comment and tell me my mistakes. It helps a lot.

BB out!!!

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