Ash vs Lysandre! Aura God vs The Master User Of Dark Aura

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Passion for something is never lost,
it is just hidden for some time

Narrator's P.O.V.

The sky was dark, just like the power rising. Ash and Lysander, both were using their auras to make weapons and fight. Their speed was too much for human eyes to be seen. They jumped from tree to tree, using them like trampolines, clashing their aura swords. Ash could feel his power increasing. He dropped his sword and with a powerful jump, grabbed the sword Lysandre had. He broke it and punched Lysander before he could react. Stopping in mid-air, Lysandre showed a shocked expression (just like the one Ash had in animé before fainting when Greninja becomes Ash-Greninja). Ash just smirked and moved so fast towards Lysander that it almost looked like teleportation. His aura was increasing every moment. He suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Lysandre and tried to kick him but he disappeared too. Ash sensed Lysandre's aura and threw his elbow at his back, hitting Lysandre as soon as he appeared. His eyes started glowing a bit of red and that was enough hint to make Lysandre understand what was going on. Ash was getting connected to dark. He was using rage as his power. A way of using dark aura. Ash started throwing fists everywhere and Lysandre was blocking each of them, even if Ash was giving him a hard time. He started to understand who was after Ash getting powerful. Yveltal.

With a low growl (which was gradually getting loud) his expression started changing to an angry one.
He unleashed a powerful wave of aura which pushed Ash away and Ash fell on the ground, trying his best to stand up.

As soon as he sat up with a hand on his chest and the other supporting his body, he looked at Lysandre who was talking to himself. "I am much better than that little brat! Lend your power to ME! Not HIM!... OH YEAH?! IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME YOUR POWER, THEN I'LL MAKE SURE HE REFUSES TO TAKE IT!!!!!"

By now, Ash had recovered enough to fly towards Lysandre with his fists ready to punch sh#t out of him but before he could do that, he suddenly felt a dark red void with black covering his surroundings. His feet stopped moving and he saw Lysandre walking(flying) towards him and he stopped at a distance. "You have to stop using rage as your power. You are using dark aura. It'll drive you insane." This took Ash aback. He looked at himself and the new thoughts of destruction arising in his mind. After a while, he smirked and said "But why? You scared I can handle these powers much better than you?" Lysandre then showed a little angry face and said "Yveltal will take over your will power! Of you won't believe me, I'll have to show you!"

"Wha-what?!" Ash said and tried to move forward and punch Lysandre but to no avail. His powers were continuously increasing, making it hard for Lysandre to keep him there so he had to do whatever he wants fast.

Just then, the void sorrounding the island became a light shade of yellow and Ash saw a little girl in front of him who looked like she was around 5-6 years, playing with her father, Lysandre. Ash stopped all the struggles and that's when he heard a voice "She was my little princess, my everything," Ash turned to his right to see Lysandre standing there with an emotionless face. However, his eyes didn't show anger, they showed pain. Pain of losing something important, or maybe, someone.

"She had a heart disease and doctors said they couldn't do anything. That's when Yveltal came" Ash listened to Lysandre in shock as he never thought Lysandre would still have a soft side. "He said he can heal her if I used my powers with rage. Having no alternative, I did as he said, and soon, she was healed."

"Then what happened?" Ash asked out of curiosity. Suddenly, the void became fully black and Lysandre was nowhere to be seen. He looked from side to side, there was no sign of life, "Where am I? Hello? Is somebody here?"

Then he heard a sound and relief washed over him until he saw a little girl hugging her knees, crying in distance. He ran to her and bent beside her and said "What happened?" but the girl seemed to ignore him as she continued crying. He tried to put a hand on her shoulder, but it passed through. He looked at his hand with a shocked look, and his surroundings changed. He was in a house. There he saw Lysandre, standing alone with a table flipped near him and papers scattered everywhere. He was grunting like he was in pain and his eyes were glowing red. The little girl from before was still sobbing in the corner and after a few minutes of struggling, Lysandre fell down. The girl stopped sobbing and slowly stood up. "D-d-daddy?"

Now Ash could resemble the girl's face. It was Lysandre's daughter. As soon as the girl reached near Lysandre, he suddenly stood up, his eyes glowing red and an evil smirk plastered on his face. He opened his palm like a robot and it released red aura. Scared, the girl started backing away as Lysandre moved forward.

"What happened princess? Come here! Daddy wanna give you something" before the girl could react, Lysandre hit her on the neck and she fell on the ground and stopped moving. Tears flowed from Lysandre's red glowing eyes but he laughed like a maniac. Ash could do nothing but see everything in horror as he knew he couldn't change anything. He knew it was all a part of Lysandre's memories.

Ok, so this is unrevised and I doubt if I'll have time to revise any chapter. Hope you liked it! Now, I just wanna say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!! NEW ONE SHOT WILL BE COMING SOON!!!(I just need a story for it that's all😅)

BB out!!!

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