Feelings: Love and Heartbreak

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Ash's P.O.V.

It's been a long time since I last saw her...

A long time since I heard her laugh...

A long time since I smelled the fragrance of her long honey blond hairs...

A long time since I felt her touch...

A long time...since I smiled fully...
*heavy sigh*

I left to train...

Train, to protect people...

Train, to protect her...

The only thing that keeps me from losing the hope...

The last thing that keeps me from forgetting our love...

Is a piece of cloth...

Is the piece of cloth...

By which our fates inter-crossed...

Serena's P.O.V.

Last thing he said was that he will return...

He asked me to wait for him...

He said that he loves me...

But I broke his heart...

I called him a liar...

Last thing I did was questioning him...

Questioning his love...

Questioning our bond...

He still believed in me...

He still left me the gift...

He still left our symbol of love...

He still left the ribbon...

Which he tied himself...

I was just getting bored so made a amourshipping moment. Our OTP's 'feelings'. Some of you may wonder "Why heartbreak?". Serena regret yelling at him. Regret questioning his love whereas Ash questions his decision of leaving her behind. He thinks that his decision made her love for him decrease whereas she thinks that her yelling at him made his love for her decrease. But their love just increased. None of them ever felt it decreasing. Their love...their regret...their Feelings.

BB out!!!

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