The wrath of Aura Master

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I stopped writing things in the starting as I couldn't make them anymore(or maybe I am just too lazy to make them XD). Anyway, enjoy the story!


Serena's P.O.V.

"No" said Gary.

"Urrggghhhhhhh" I sigh in frustration. It's been 2yrs since Ash left for his journey to train hard. At starting, I thought he left me because he didn't love me but then I realise that he left to train because he wanted to protect me. He left me the ribbon and took the handkerchief. He still loved me no matter what and I...

I questioned his love. But now, I just loved him more and more. I run the organization because he wanted it. It has become a huge group spread across the whole Kanto region.

Ash wanted to use all the help we can take but when the enemies got too powerful for us to handle, a mysterious man showed up. He just appeared out of nowhere. We got surrounded, our pokemons fought until they fainted and our guns, we knocked out a few grunts by throwing our empty weapons on them. But when we lost hope of winning, when I lost hope of seeing Ash again, he showed up for the first time. He's unknown to us but I feel like I have known him for a long time. At first, I thought he's Ash, but his whole body was covered except lower region of his face. He didn't have the bolts on his cheeks. When I asked him who he is, he said "Aaron, the aura master"

We heard that Team yveltal is preparing a machine they call...uh...rabbit? Nah! Umm...Yes! Robot! We heard that it's the most powerful weapon that even Aaron can't defeat!

We wanted to find him to warn him about the robot and ask him to join us. We would have made a special place for him named 'Aura God' but HE! He just appears out of nowhere, stands with a smirk, and the enemies' weapons get blasted. He knocks out grunts with just one blow for each or sometimes a few of them, and disappears. But when he smiles, I just can't help but feel fuzzy from inside.

'I can't be falling for him! I love Ash not some stranger! What will I say to him when he returns? How will I face him when he tells me how much he loves me?'

I was brought out of my thoughts by sound of themy room's door shutting. 'Who came here in midnight?'

Camel- I mean Calem's P.O.V.(I didn't write ???'s P.O.V. because y'all probably know)

I got in her room but she heard the door closing. I ran towards her swiftly, without making any noise. I had my mask on so she couldn't possibly tell who I am. I locked the door and started walking towards her. She still loves that A$$ Ketchup and always rejects me whereas she talks so highly of him! Today, I'll make her mine! I pinned her to the wall and started pulling her top! I bet she knows what I am doing! This will be good.

Owwww! She kicked my 'pokeballs' and then a roundhouse kick hit my head! I lied there on ground as she tied me. She was about to reveal my face but an explosion was heard and we turned our head to see it wasn't too far from our hideout.

"You're lucky but I will return!" she said with a smirk but when she went out of the room, I used my training to get out of the ropes, removed my mask and went where everybody else went, the place of explosion.

"Where were you d!ckhead?!" yelled Gary. He knows that I like Serena. I just rolled my eyes in reply. Why does everyone here supports that a$$?

Then I saw that mysterious man fighting the biggest army of yveltal grunts I have ever seen, all alone. But he defeated them easily. Just then, the thing we've been fearing of came out of nowhere and hit him. He glared at it for a minute and mumbled "My powers are not working on it! Lysandre!" It was barely enough for us to hear.

He fought by launching aura spheres with his Lucario. Then a laser beam came out of nowhere. I dodged it but then, it hit Serena.

"SERENA!!!!!" yelled the mystery man as he created a blue shield who-know-how and his body started glowing same shade of blue as the shield. Wait a second, how does HE knows her name? And this is the first time we heard him yell! He cares about her? Does he love her? I need to get his real identity!

I look at Serena who is now showing sparks of green electricity. Suddenly, fennekin came out of her and deathglared at robot with tears in her eyes and started glowing white. She evolved into a strong and healthy looking braixen.


Braixen ends the attack, leaving a large, purple hole in the middle of the robot's stomach. She faints instantly. Just then, Aaron's greninja jumped out of his pokeball and catch the fainted braixen. Suddenly, his lucario teleported us on a shore (Alola island where they fought charizard x) I look back at Aaron, confused due to his pokemon's action and I wish I never did that. The next thing I saw moved me.

He blue glow increased and the sky became cloudy. All of the clouds started glowing green and started rotating at the point in sky just above him. His clothing on face teared to bits and fly up in the air, disappearing. I heard the whole group and even Serena's gasp. Do they know him?

I looked at him as tears started coming down from his eyes

See the video from 40 sec! It's what's happening!
Goku (the kid) = Ash (their hairs are similar!), Gasping people = Serena, Gary, Misty, Calem, Dawn, Paul, Drew, May and Dawn, Died android (Android 8) who is sparking electricity = Serena

The island divided into four and a mysterious pokemon appeared (tapu koko). He did a battle cry and 3 more pokemons that looked exactly like him but had different colours appeared and they all went to different island except the first one (tapu koko).

"ASH?!?!?!" I heard everyone yell in unison.

Pretty rushed up again? Sorry for it😅 Like the video? The changed background music made it even better! Dbz fans, did you observe that the blue aura looked like Super Saiyan Blue? According to me, it was Awesome!!! Word count of this chapter is 1140. Vote, comment and tell me my mistakes. It helps a lot.

BB out!!!

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