When Everything Changed

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Serena fangirling on amourshipping moment!?!

Narrator's P.O.V.

Soon after Ash woke up, he ate and slept again😅 But all the old and new friends, being amourshippers, couldn't watch it. So they decided something...

The next morning

Ash's P.O.V.

I woke up to cute snoring sounds from somewhere near me. As I woke up, I saw Serena, with a cute smile on her face, snuggling to me more and more in sleep. I felt my cheeks heat up and then I remembered something...

'WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!?!? SHE WAS ASLEEP IN HER BED!!!!!' It's not that I am complaining, it's just that I am curious. I push the thoughts aside and look at her, sleeping like a child, carefree and calm. I lightly pressed my lips against her forehead, not wanting to leave the position or to wake her up.

I then hear a snapping sound of a camera. Now I understand what's happening! I see Korrina, my and Korrina's lucario smirking at me. They were not involved in this as they were still on their own beds. I smirk back and they understand what I am gonna do.

I use my aura to make each one of them kiss their crushes according to Dawn's shipping list and lucario uses his aura to snap their pics with their camera. Korrina and her lucario laughed so loud that Serena started waking up.

I snuggled in her hair and she snuggled in my chest. "Good morning!" she said. Just then she realised that she's on my bed snuggling with me and her eyes opened widely and her cheeks flushed red.

"Now, Good morning!" I said and kissed her. She kissed back and replied with only one word, "Who?" with a blush and a They-are-Doomed look.

I pointed at all the kissing couples and Korrina's lucario who has started clicking photos by hand instead of aura from different angles.

She started laughing as I looked at her cute smiling face. "Wanna go on a date?"

Time skip

Serena's P.O.V.

"OMG!OMG!OMG!YES!!!" I yelled as I hugged Dawn tightly and she hugged back. She just gave me the MOST AWESOME DRESS EVER!!!!!!

Just then the door was opened, or I must say 'Smashed' into the wall. There was a panting Ash standing there "What happened?!*pant**pant**pant*Why are*pant*you yelling? Is everything alright?"

"Ash! Dawn just gave me the prettiest dress ever!!!!!" I said holding the dress in front of me so that he can imagine how I will look in that dress. Be looked at me and his mouth opened widely.

I blushed at this still having a smile plastered on my face but Dawn just giggled. Then he shook his head rapidly to get out of the trance and said "You're not planning to wear that tonight, right?"

"Wait what?! Whyyy?" I asked.

"We can't go in public like this! We need to wear a disguise" he replied.

"Hmph. Party pooper!" I pouted.

"But Ash, where are you taking Serena tonight?"

Time Skip

OK so first he didn't tell me and now he even didn't tell Dawn! What is he planning?

"We're here!" he said and removed his hand from my eyes.

"AMUSEMENT PARK?!" I exclaimed. I have never gone to one since the time Lysandre attacked and Dawn saved us.

"Oh Ash! I LOVE YOU!!!" I hugged him tightly.

"Serena.... Oxygen...." he said and I released him, sweat dropping

"Hehe, Sorry!" I said.

"Let's walk in!" he said and held my hand.

"But Ashy, how do you know that I liked to visit amusement park so much?" I asked holding his hand.

"You told me this once when we were sitting near that lake before I left" he answered.

"Aww Ashy! You remembered!" I said happily hugging his arm.

"I remember everything" he said/whispered looking into my eyes with a sad look in his eyes. 'What does he mean?'

"Sorry Serena. I know I shouldn't had left but if I practiced her then Lysandre would've known our location! I-" I cut him of with a kiss. He was surprised but eventually kissed back. We kissed there for a few minutes until I broke it.

"Ash, I must say sorry. You were doing this for me to be safe and I snapped-" this time he cut me off with a kiss. It didn't last that long but it was long enough for our emotions to be told.

We just looked into each other's eyes lovingly until


We heard an explosion and we saw the ferris wheel falling. Ash used his powers to stop it from falling but he was having a hard time doing it. We left our pokemons behind so no one was there to help.

Suddenly, a strong wind passes me and Korrina and both the lucario reached there. They all somehow kept it standing and people started coming out of the ferris wheel. I started helping everyone to get out and others arrived shortly. Almost everybody was out of there when everything... Blacked out

OK! Now, I am so sorry that I didn't update!!!!! It's just that my skills are getting poorer and poorer

Random guy: Like they were good before!

I know😞

I also made some really AWESOME FRIENDS and I was just too much into chatting with them so anyways as you can see the book is very close to it's end and I just wanna say thanks for your support!!!!!!! I am making another amourshipping book and actually, it's a NewHeartShipping book!!!! What is NewHeartShipping? SharpHotdogxAmourgirlshipper!!!!!!! I am not exactly sure what I'll do in that book but I have thought 'bout a starting!!!!! Vote, Comment and Tell me my mistakes!

BB out!!!

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