Prophecy Revealed

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Dark cannot end darkness,
Only light can do that.
Hate cannot end hatred,
Only love can do that.

Serena's P.O.V.
I just woke up from the best dream ever! It was about Ash! It was weird at the beginning and worried me too much in the middle but at end, he kissed me and said that he loves me! I wish it was not a dream but why would he love me? He's a prince and I am a villager. But it just felt so real.
Wait a second this isn't my tree house it's Ash's! Does this mean...OMA OMA OMA WAS IT ALL TRUE!-my thoughts were cut off by Ash entering the house.
"Hey beautiful! Good morning!" He said after...kissing me!
"Morning Ashy!" I said. He smiled but then his expression turned to a serious one.
"Serena, it's time to reveal a secret I hid for so long" he said in a serious tone which worried me.
"What secret Ashy?" I asked.
"I will tell when everyone is present." He said in same tone "Get ready. I will be waiting with everyone at breakfast table."
I just nodded and did as he said. When I reached at breakfast table, I saw a very large group of people and got scared. Are they here to give us to Lysandre for the price money he promised?
Ash saw me and said that they are here for help. I believed him so I just walked to him and gave him a peck on lips.
Dawn saw this and squealed " Amour Amour Amour Amour AMOURSHIPPING!!! "
I blushed and Ash held my hand and intertwined our fingers and said "If you name this amourshipping, then I will call you two CAVALIERSHIPPING!"
Dawn squealed again and hugged Gary's arm and he blushed as much as I was blushing.
Then we all sat down and ate our breakfast. Then Ash stood up and called roilu out of it's pokeball. I didn't knew he caught that roilu!
He cleared his throat and said "Everybody here, I have to tell you all something but before that, people who came here today are resistance against Lysandre. I picked these
yesterday at night when you all were sleeping."
We looked at the group and they all nodded in agreement.
"But how did you know that they will not tell Lysandre about us? It's impossible to sort them in this situation at such pace." asked Iris.
"That's the main motive of this announcement." Ash said " Well, the truth is I am not a prince."
Everybody gasped. If he's not the prince, then how come he is Dawn's brother? Is she not a princess? What's going on here?
"Calm down everybody, let me explain!" Ash said " I am not any human's son. I was created by Arceus and given aura powers which is the source of life. I was given to the king to raise me and he said that I am his son so that no one questions about me. I was told a prophecy. The prophecy that will make me decide the world's fate and I need to travel to somewhere to train because of it."
"What prophecy?" asked Dawn with tears rolling down her cheeks because of the truth she just learned. The truth that Ash is not her brother.
"Actually, I don't remember it exactly" he said while sweat dropping and we all fell animé style.
"But I can ask Arceus to enter my body and tell the prophecy himself." he added with a serious look. We all gasped at what he said.
"I can do it because I am his chosen one and I can talk to him through aura" he told us but we were still shocked from what he said.
Ash took roilu's hand for help with aura. He said that everything that will happen now will be seen by us only. His eyeballs disappeared and only white eyes remained.
Soon after, his white eyes got covered by blue light and his voice started echoing even if it was not that loud. He started floating in air a 10 feet above the ground and the clouds started rotating around the point in sky just above him. A bright white light fell on him and the prophecy revealed itself.

He was born of Arceus's light, he will defeat the immortal. Along with his new aura partner, the world's fate will depend on this mortal. Along with thunder on his shoulder, his powers will be amplified. Fire and water will also help and the bond will be signified. The bond will let the phenomenon happen, the power will be revealed. When the demon will be betrayed by his own partner, darkness will be sealed.

We all were shocked by what the prophecy said. But the next thing that he said, moved my world "I have understood the prophecy and now, I must leave for training with my aura partner roilu. I need to train. Train myself for using my aura powers and train my pokemons for upcoming challenge. I don't know when I will return but when I return, I will be ready along with my pokemons to face the demon, to face Lysandre. By then, I want you all to make a resistance group and make it as big as you can. These people are from nearby villages and I want you to collect help from whole Kanto. Make this group big and keep people and pokemons safe with the help of your allies when I am away."
Ash's words pierced through my heart. How could he just leave me like nothing? Like our love was nothing?
Tears started falling from my eyes and I said "Ash you can't leave me just like this. I want to be with you. Don't me?"
"Believe me Serena it's hard for me to leave you bu-" I cut Ash off who was hiding his eyes with his cap's shade by slapping him as hard as I could.
He took roilu's hand again for help with aura and touched my forehead with his. I started hearing all the thoughts in his mind. I felt all the feelings he felt. My pain for him leaving was nothing compared to his pain for leaving.
Then I felt responsibility. It was so much that I felt my body would explode. Ash broke the connection and I felt normal again. Only my pain hurting me. His emotions flowed back to him and what he said next made my legs weaker.
"They were just half of my emotions."
I don't know how much his pain was. I don't know how his body didn't explode of  emotions till now.
"Please remember me. I'll return. I love you." Were the last words he said before I felt a sudden pain in my head and I lost consciousness.

Ash's P.O.V.
I used aura to tell roilu to take her out of her conscious state and he used force palm on her head. I told Gary something and then left with my pokemon. Take care...Serena.

Gary's P.O.V.
It's been a few hours and now Serena's regaining her consciousness. Her eyes flutter open and she asked what I knew she would.
"He left a few hours ago" was my only answer.
I knew she was feeling guilty that she shouted at him in the last moment she had with him for some time. I did what he told me to do before leaving.
"Serena, Ash took the handkerchief be used to aid you. He said he took it to remember you. He also left you this to remember him by the time he comes back" I said as I showed her the blue ribbon on her wrist.
"He tied it himself" I added.
"I wanted to go with him" she said in tears.
"That's why he made you unconscious. He knew that you won't let him go alone" I said.
She hugged the ribbon and cried for sometime. Then I patted her back and said that she has to be strong, for him.
I told her that she is now the leader of our resistance group and she named it 'Aura Guardians' and every individual in this group will be called an 'Aura Warrior'. I don't know what the future hold for us. But the only thing that I know is that this would change everything. Now the real story begins!

I know everything is rushed but I revealed the prophecy. The story has changed again. It is the longest chapter till now. It holds a total 1500 words. Now, I don't know how many more chapters will be made by me for this book but remember one thing...Vote, comment and tell me my mistakes. It helps a lot.

BB out!!!

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