Life for Life: Ash's Sacrifice/Lysandre's End

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I feel like my this is going to be shittiest chapter of all...

Ash's P.O.V.

Why? Why did he show it to me? Does he still have a good person controlled by Yveltal inside or is it some trap? Whatever it is, it taught me something. I thought and calmed down. I can't let dark aura corrupt me. I have to stop using it.

I felt a lot of energy leaving my body and Lysandre's power started increasing. This is not good. We returned to the battlefield before you can even say 'Pokémon'.

Lysandre came running towards me with a punch and I could move my body again. I tried to dodge the punch but it was of no use. I got hit and pain coursed through my body. I crashed on ground, unable to do anything.

His speed... he is faster... and stronger. I can't win if this continues. I started flying up and Lysandre chased me, toying with me. He is much faster than I am so running won't help. I suddenly turned and tried to kick him but he disappeared and appeared behind me, a smirk plastered on his face. He started punching me and somehow, I was still going up. This is it! I know what to do!

I raised my aura levels and an aura shield formed around me that pushed Lysandre away(same technique that Goku used to counter Hit's defensive use of time leap). As soon as he got far enough I flew into space just close enough to Earth to breath. But I stopped I felt someone hit me on my back, sending me further away. It got hard to breath at this point but looks like it is for me only. I am exhausted and there is no oxygen. I need to end this all, fast.

"Having problem breathing? You can't go any further. You are just wasting your time and I am wasting mine. Let's end this now." He said and came slowly towards me. Everything was getting blurred, even the person coming towards me in full speed. I smirked and disappeared.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" yelled the God of pokemons who just saved my life "I can't save you in this fight again!" "And I don't want you to" I said, panting. He gave me a confused look at this and I got up and told him the plan. "Are you sure about this, chosen one?" I nodded and said "Call me Ash" and he teleported me just behind him to the same time when I disappeared. I punched him as hard as I could on his back and grabbed his arms, twisted them and placed them on his back.

Lysandre's P.O.V.

W-what just happened? What is he doing? I felt his power levels increase to a new level and if that was not enough, they just kept increasing.

Lucario's P.O.V.

I felt master's aura increasing and that too without using dark aura. His aura core started shaking and it shined brightly. So he has finally found a way. He locked Lysandre in his that position using his  and took out his gloves. Same as the ones I was wearing(Sir Aaron's gloves). His core vibrated violently because of his excess use.

"NO! YOU CAN'T!! WE WILL BOTH DIE YOU FOOL!!!!!!" yelled Lysandre but it didn't make master have a second thought about his plan. "That's fine with me" said master and grabbed Lysandre from behind.

Pikachu's P.O.V.

Pika pi pi chu! Pika Pika!


I felt a force being applied on me. That's when I noticed everybody has stopped fighting, even the grunts. They were all looking in the sky so I did the same...

And I hope I didn't.

I saw a big blue sphere forming in the sky and a voice ringed in my head just before it exploded. "Goodbye Pikachu". No!... I thought and tears started flowing through my eyes. After the explosion, everything was silent for a few moments. After that, all that could be heard was Ash's friends' and his pokemons' cries.


Aaaaaaaaand over! Prologue will be updated with this so it will make up for this short chapter!

BB out!!!

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