Dealling with the Problem Pt: 1

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The carriage ride to Baron Kelvins' manor was a middle between short and long. He lived outside of London, in the country side. I had Sebastian write him to know I was coming for a visit, with some questions about his circus. I had gotten better, only light headedness remained from my cold, I had cuddled up to my demon on the ride trying to get a little nap, tonight I settle this mission from Her Majesty.

The manor wasn't well cared for on the outside, it seemed to be falling apart. Sebastian knocked on the door which immediately open to show Joker I gasped softly as he spoke "Father is expected ye, please follow me this way." He bows slightly and leads me inside and down along hallway leading to the back of the manor into a large dining hall with a long empty table Joker pulled me out a chair and walked to the other end of the table, the chair wad oddly placed, there were only my chair, facing a set of curtains, I sat down as Sebastian pushed my chair in and stood just behind me.

A few moments later and a knock sounded to my right,  "That would be the host." Joker spoke softly as he opened the door, a man wrapped in bandages and a wheelchair, a little girl was hanging off his arm walking next to him and a boy was pushing his chair. He was pushed to the other end of the table, he held a smile and a look of obsession in his eyes "Lord Phantomhive! It is a pleasure to finally meet you!" He cheered "Please excuse my appearance, I have just resently had surgery." Joker poured him a drink, then moved to me "It is alright, sorry for the sudden intrusion." I admitted falsely "It isn't a problem at all, it is an honor to have you here." He never lost his smile as a line of children started bringing out food.

I would be lying if I said the food looked bad, but my purpose kept my stomach from wanting any of it, Sebastian made me a plate to make up the appearance that I was interested, though I wasn't in the slightest as the host pigged out on the meal "Oh! How about some entertainment! Joker if you please!" He bounced in his chair as Joker visibly cringed and walked to the curtains "Ladies and Gentlemen this evenings entertainment..." the curtains pulled back to show a tightrope and a female child standing on a post waiting to attempt to cross "...Will she make it to the other side?" Joker walked to the side as the child took one step and fell immediately, there was no net under so she landed with a crash and gush of blood and broken bones, dying on impacted I held in my scream "Next we have a monstrous beast, can this young lad tame it?" A cage was pushed in, inside held a full grown lion and a boy, all that protected him was a thin wall that was pulled out, instantly the lion pounced and mauled the boy, more blood landed on the ground, Joker flinched and looked away "Now for our knife thrower!" This time a girl tied to a thin wood plank stood and another boy had knifes in his hand and took aim at the girl "Lets' hope his aim is great." Joker looked away once again, I looked at Kelvin, he had wide eyes, as if this was a normal event for him, unfazed by the dead children and blood. The boy took his aim and threw the knife I couldn't take any more I stood up "Sebastian stop him!" I ordered.

In a blink of an eye the knife was stopped just before impact by the demon "Did you not like the show?" Baron Kelvin spoke up with sorrow, I looked at him, he held genuine sadness "I came here to confirm my suspicions, you Baron Kelvin, have kidnapped Her Majesty children, for your own sick amusement. I was sent to find them and deal with you." I pulled out my pistol that I had strapped to my thigh under my cloak and aimed at him, just then Joker put a knife to my back as Sebastian put his to Jokers' throat "Joker what do you think you are doing!" Kelvin spoke in horror "But Father he-" Kelvin interrupted "Put your knife down! Lord Phantomhive is our guest." He spoke sternly as Joker hesitated by removed his knife.

"Please Lord Phantomhive, if you are worried about the children, I have more in the back, please follow me I will show you." He spoke softly as the little boy started pushing him back through the doors he originally came from. I followed, a few minutes we started going down a narrow ramp into what I guess was the basement, Sebastian held Joker at knife point as they followed. "This way, open it for me dear child." He spoke to the girl as she and the boy pushed at the massive doors, the light was blinding for a few moments, I closed my eyes and when I opened them flashbacks came to me in a massive memory dump.

The room was just like the one from then, polish marble floors and rows of seats and three large cages with four outer pillows in the circle center, the scene flashed from what was in front of me now, to the bloody one from my passed, the children's screams from my passed haunted my ears as I lunged forward and dry heaved covering my mouth with my gloved hand.

A few moments and I stood straight, the missing children were all in the cages with distant dead looks in their eyes. "I made it just like it was back then." Kelvin wheeled down to the cages as the two children followed him "Sadly I wasn't there that night, but I had gotten to see it before it was burned down by you." He ran his hand over the table in the center "Though my purpose for the children is different." He stated bluntly "I got to meet your father, Lord Vincent Phantomhive, he was perfection, such pure skin, I longed to be like him. Then I received news from an inside source that he was to have a child, you." He looked at me with that obsessed look "His child, one that would be every bit perfect as him. I wished to see you but then..." He trailed off "They got rid of me. My parents were far from perfection." I finished "They hated me, with every fiber of their being." I stated "I got word that you were kidnapped, you held the same DNA as him, it had to be you, but I found out your fate and was so distraught, I didn't know what to do, I had a surgery and couldn't come save you like I wished." He put his head down in shame.

A shot echoed through out the room as blood pooled out of Kelvins' stomach "So instead you repeat history." I spoke as I put my gun down as he fell from his chair "I'm so sorry." He sobbed and began to cry "Father!" Joker screamed as he ran at me only to get his arm cut off by Sebastian, he screamed and fell to his knees "Ye is just as evil as Father said ye were!" He shouted at me as he held his bleeding stub "No, I am the lesser evil here. You kidnapped children, look at them, they are so far gone, no hope, no life dwells within them!" I looked at him with malice in my eyes.

Another moment passed as he looked up at me "I hope ye are ready to lose yer hope." Joker coughed "I heard ye fiance is at yer manor right now, I bet she is in for a surprise." He held a smirk "Our servants may not be the best at chores, but they hold their own when it comes to protecting our guests and the building itself." Sebastian spoke as he threw the knife into his spine.

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