Play Time

136 14 14

SPLAT! The pigs head had been lifted off his head, and he had then dropped it on the dirty blood covered floor. I then saw him holding needle and thread in his one hand. He walked closer to me. He began to fix my side. He noticed it had been bleeding relentlessly.

"I love Robert. I love Robert. I love Robert" why did he tattoo my name onto his face.

When he was done stitching it up, he walked over to the tray and picked up two scalpels. He lifted his hands in the air. All I could do is shake, which wouldn't help me in the long run. He stabbed me on the shoulders. He began to twist them in circles. I closed my eyes tight. That was one of the things I've regretted the most.

He took his hand off one of the blades and grabbed my eye lid. He pulled it up so I was forced to see him. He ripped out the scalpel in my shoulder. I tried to close my eyes but, his grip was too strong. He lined up the sides so I could see the blade of the scalpel and nothing else. He then rushed the scalpel into my eye.

"Too bad! You had such pretty eyes"

He then let go of my eye lid. I shut my eye lid onto the scalpel. I felt the metal slowly pull out. Then I felt a circular object pressing hard against my eye lid. It slid out hard. I opened my other eye. I saw my eye dangling from the scalpel and then it dangling from his mouth. He put my eye Inside his mouth and slid out the blade slowly and my eye no longer attached. He started to chew on it like it was a piece of gum.

He then walked over to his favorite torture tray and picked up a hammer. He pulled down my jaw. I kept it clenched down, he grew increasingly tired of my resistance. He then got an idea and slammed the hammer onto my leg.

"Ahh!" My mouth unconditionally opened. He kept his hand on my lower jaw making sure his hand didn't go inside it again. With all his might he kept my jaw down, so he could put the rusty hammer in my mouth. Both ends of the metal part of the hammer were in my mouth.

"Don't you dare spit that out," he said, very calm and quietly. But, it want like he was in love with me.

I kept the hammer in my mouth as he said. He cupped his hands together and lifted them over his head. He then slammed his hands down hitting my head. The force made me bite down hard on the hammer. A rippling pain shot up from my mouth to my head. I felt teeth fragments start to float around, inside my mouth which was squirting out blood. This time I spit out the hammer among other things.

I couldn't think of any other things he could do to me but, he found something. He grabbed a large black gun. He pointed it at me and he fired it *BANG!* into my lower arm. He then dropped it on the floor. When he did the gun fired another time.

He then stuck his stubby thumbninto my wound. He started to go deeper and deeper into it. He then shoved his pointer finger inside the wound to assist his thumb in this painful encounter. Then I felt his fingers begin to retreat. That's where he pulled out the silver bullet.


"*snort* I'm not a bastard. I'm not the one who got yourself into this. I love you and I need you to see that I want what's best for you. But you won't listen to me about how others don't want us together."


He picked the gun off of the floor and he shoved the gun in my mouth.

"Take that back. You don't understand our love Robert. But you will see. Now take that BACK!"

"Go to hell you scumbag" said my voice muffled by the gun in my mouth.


*CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* he tried to fire the gun but, it had run out of bullets.

"No.. No... No. I'm sorry, my love, Id never kill you" he dropped the gun when he said that.

He grabbed the pigs head off the floor and started to step back. He put his naked arm across his face, while he was still staring at me. A streak of blood went on his upper hand. He put back on the pigs head and turned around for a moment. He started to mutter words, it was to quiet for me to understand.

He turned back around and he looked into my eye.

"You're eye seems odd. Not the normal shade of sky blue. Do you have a headache?"

I shook my head up and down. He ran over to the tray and started to rummage through his tools. Then I noticed in his hand a huge pointy needle. He walked over to me and jabbed it into my arm.

"Sorry for your withdrawal."

Then I felt sleepy again. I looked back into his eyes. His eyes were no longer full of anger and sorrow. He was excited for something. It pains me to think about what it was. Maybe he was going to "play" with me or do something much, much worse.

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