Personal Belongings

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I dreamed of nothing for once. This was a great relief, which I believe indicated that I have finally started to actually feel safe from Pig. I knew this feeling would be short lived because I would have to find his car. If I was to be caught by him he would be able to drive me to his house. In other words I'm going to need to be crafty.

I sat up on the wooden bench. I scratched my head and stretched. I for once felt like I actually got some sleep. I got up from the bench and ran back to the hospital.

I ran quickly down the side walk hoping to not draw attention. I felt like Pig was at the hospital waiting to visit me. I just had the feeling and if so, I don't have a lot of time to search his car.

Sure enough at the front of the hospital was tons and tons of cars. I scanned the numerous cars for the blue jeep. I didn't see any keeps around but, I did see a hooded man walk towards the hospital. It could have been a normal man but, he seemed different then most people. He walked face down and didn't stagger at all or look up for a second.

The hooded man was wearing gardening gloves and combat boots. I studied the boots and saw what seemed to be either red paint or human blood. Suddenly out of the blue he stopped. He moved not a single muscle so he was just standing in the middle of the road.

I ran behind one of the walls, I didn't want to peek to see the mans face. I did anyway and I was correct. The man looked like Pig but he had a large bloody bandage on his cheek. It was at the place of his tattoo, I knew he must of cut it off. It didn't make too much sense but, I guess if you walked into a building with a tattoo on your face saying you love a kid is suspicious.

Pig didn't seem to notice me so he started to walk up again to the main lobby. I then crept out of my hiding spot and tip toed towards the other side of the road. I kept staring at him praying that he wouldn't turn around.

When I got to the other side of the side walk I saw the jeep. I snuck to the door and grabbed the handle, I knew if an alarm went off he'd come running.

I slowly pulled back the handle, I heard a click and the door came open. I suppose he forgot to lock his car.

I chimed into his car, next I closed the door. The leather seats were sticky and a gross brown. I opened the glove compartment, and saw huge out of order messy papers.

They were all news reports on kidnappings of kids. Red markers were on some of the articles. They circled key facts about each paper. I kept digging farther and farther until I found something super wet. I took out my hand and it was covered in blood. I put my hand back In and I felt hair.

It was thin and full head of it. I grabbed the hair and tugged it out. It was the head of Tyler!

His eyes were scooped out and his mouth wide open. A red circle was around the eye, I knew something was in it. I couldn't stomach searching through my friends eye. I tried but I just started to break down. I was able to find a slip of paper.

It was a sticky note that read something. It seemed old and crinkled up like it's been written a while ago.

The note was more than shocking. It read horrible words and terrible writing.

Rob I want you to know that your friend is dead. I bet you can see that now but, I killed him for a good reason, trust me.

Then at the end he had the nerve to draw a smiley face. I then stuck my hand back into the compartment. I then pulled out a picture of Ellie and on top of it in read marker that was fresh read:

You know what to do

Then on the back read an address of her location. Ellie was being held at an old library.

Then out of no where I heard the horn begin to go off. I looked and saw Pig with clenched fists. I wanted to drive off but he had the keys. I leaped out the door and ran, I ran as fast as I could. I started to scream trying to draw as much attention to me as possible. Pig didn't follow he just stood at his car door laughing.

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