New Friends

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I must have looked really bad because they were staring at me in horror. I honestly didn't feel great, I just hope I don't look as bad as I feel.

"What the fuck happened to you!"

"A man, he told me to call him Mr. pig. His house is right up this trail. Please can you help me find a place to stay."

"Uhh okay"

The black haired timid boy stayed back and watched. He seemed to be very frightened by me. His longish hair covered a part of his eye it seemed like a cloak to cover his identity. The blonde haired girl walked up to me and lended me her hand. I grabbed it almost Immediately and she pulled me up.

"My names Ellie. What's yours," she covered her concerns with a question. She seemed greatly uncomfortable and nervous. The whole situation was not ideal for them. I guess they have the right, a teenaged boy in his underwear claiming he's been tortured and raped. That doesn't seem like a normal in counter. Anyway all I knew was that I needed to get out of there.

When I was pulled up I hugged Ellie.

"Thank you! But we need to go now! He's still out here and he's not happy at all."

"Fine lets go." Ellie showed a slight sense of concern but, she was still optimistic about this whole situation.

Ellie helped me walk and the boy aided me as well. I took one final glance back before we walked off. I saw no one but, I felt his green eyes pinned to me. I felt that way the whole time that I was dragged throughout the woods.

My cuts burned in the dirt and were still bleeding. It was hard to breathe because of how terrified I was. It felt like my heart was going to collapse. It didn't help knowing that Pig could jump out of anywhere, at any time and get me.

"Ciney, Ellie thank you so much"

The boy whispered to me a question;

"How do you know my name?"

"I heard you guys talking up the trail. That's what scared him away."

"Wait, you're Robert Rillers right?" Asked Ellie commandingly.

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"You were on the news. The cops never were fully able put the pieces together of the crime but, they knew that you and your friend was gone."

I looked down at the ground. I can't believe I left him behind. Tyler stood up for me and now he's with Pig. I then started to cry, I'm a terrible friend. I may not have known where Pig has been keeping him but, I still could have done something!

Ciney and Ellie didn't notice they were just focused on dragging me to some place for me to lay low.

It took a little while but, eventually I saw the path stop being dirt and turn into black top.

"Which ones yours?"

"The blue one ahead, the sedan"

They opened the back door and plopped me into it. They then closed the door to the car and then got into the drivers and passengers seat.

The Man Named Mr. PigWhere stories live. Discover now