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I woke up in a white room filled with wires. The room seemed very large because of the white painted walls. I started to get out of my bed when I heard a voice.

"Stay down. You are not ready to leave yet"

The voice seemed not at all familiar. The voice was innocent and young. I looked to my left and saw a woman in a seat knitting. The yarn was yellow and she seemed to be trying to make a blanket.

"Your parents will be here soon."

"No, please don't call them"

The woman leaned in her chair making it make a noise.

"Why would you not want to see your parents?"

I wanted to tell her but, something in me wouldn't let me speak.

The woman sighed in annoyance.

"Well...I didn't call them yet and you do seem to be old enough to make your own decisions..."

She leaned even closer to me like something was wrong.

"I won't call your parents."

Then I heard a ring come from someone's phone. I stared at the nurse. She patted her side.

"Excuse me. *takes out phone and answers* Hello. Yes. Yes. He's here, your his brother. Well I guess he can talk."

She handed me her phone. I reached out my hand slowly. When it was in my hand I looked at the number, it said unknown. I put the phone to my ear.


"Hello Robert."

My eyes went wide. I started to get scared.

"It's me Ellie. I want to talk to you, please don't be mad at me"

"I'm not but, why? Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because a man was following us. He followed us from behind in a dark blue jeep"


"The Man followed every turn and sped up when we did and slowed down when we did"


"I-I don't know"

"Oh god that means he knows where I am"

"Yeah but, you are safe there and he can't visit you."

"That won't stop him Ellie! He'll still get me somehow"

"Well I came up with a plan. Now I will be the only one in this plan because Ciney is too scared."

"I don't like it already"

"I'm going to sneak you out. We need to be quick though. Pig will likely be in the lobby. I don't know what he looks like so I'll be conning from the window."

"Are you sure?"

"No. But what other choice is there."

"Ellie why are you helping me?"

I heard no answer from behind the line. It troubled me, she was acting strange.


"Yeah sorry. I have no reason"

"Ok Ellie, I trust you"

Another long pause in Ellie's speech. She wouldn't answer me.


"Sorry I must be seeing things. I keep seeing that jeep drive by."

The Man Named Mr. PigWhere stories live. Discover now