Ciney's idea

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I ran fast down the sidewalk until I felt safe enough to catch my breath. I was panting like a dog that has just ran a mile.

"Robert where's Ellie?"

I looked up and saw Ciney holding a coffee. I scanned the area to see where his car might be, so I could get out of here. I was outside by a bakery now and wasn't too far from the hospital but, it was far enough. No matter how far it was it wasn't too far for never is.

"Ciney we have to go!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you in the car, just please can we go!" Ciney didn't seem very confused about me acting so scared. He acted like it was normal and that made me uncomfortable.

"Fine follow me."

"Thank you Ciney!!"

He turned his whole body around causing his black bangs to swing. He walked like there was no care in the world. I tried to see which car might be his.

He continued walking and didn't pull out his keys to unlock his car. I was forced to follow him at a slow pace.

"Which ones yours?"

"The black one" he said quickly and it seemed like he was hiding something.

"Ciney is something wrong?"

He stopped walking and he never turned his head he just spoke.

"Ellie's gone...and I think I know who did it."

"So you know. You didn't call the cops did you?"

"No, what would the point be? They wouldn't do anything helpful...they'd just get in the way."

"Ciney see your acting strange. You don't talk and act like this"

"Robert you don't even know me!"

I was shocked at Ciney's tone. He knows that Ellie was taken by Pig. He knew she was being tortured right now. Even after all that I had expected him to be scared, not angry.

"Ciney we need to get to your car, Pig is just around the corner." His eyes turned a little frightened but, not as much as I thought.

Ciney took out his keys and pressed a button. A black car had its tail lights light up like the Fourth of July.

I patted Ciney's shoulder and ran for the car. I opened the passengers seat and waited. I heard the car door swing open, and Ciney got in.

"What did you find?"

"What?" I got confused how did he know that I went through Pigs car?

"What did you find in his car. I drove by here earlier and saw you digging through his stuff."

"Oh...I found this," I handed him the slips of paper with the address.

Ciney smiled a wide smile when he saw the address and Ellie.

"Now we know where she is."

"Yeah but how are we going to stop Pig?"

"I have some thoughts on that," Ciney said putting the keys into the car and turning it. The engine rumbled loudly.


Ciney didn't say anything for a bit. He just sat in his seat idle.

"Well you're not going to like it."

"Just tell me!"

"Umm ok. So we are going to need to wait until night and then you are going to find Pig. After Pig sees you you are going to try and hide from him and make sure your caught. Then when he brings you to the factory he will drop his guard causing me to be able to sneak up on him."

"Wait I have to get caught?!?"


"Also since when did you do things brave like this? Aren't you more timid"

Ciney started to pull out of his spot without saying anything. I guess that must have hurt him to be called timid but, I didn't see it that way at the time.

"Are you in?"

"I don't know Ciney, this seems to be pretty risky"

"Well you shouldn't worry, you'll be fine he's too in love with you to kill you. He may hurt you but, I promise as long as you don't try to escape before I'm there he will not kill you."

"Ciney I'll do it...for Ellie."

"Good," Ciney smiled again while saying those words and drove off to his house.

While I was watching the endless road questions arose and I needed to let them out.

"I just have a question Ciney. How am I suppose to find him, the hospital was just a coincidence. I don't know where to find him now."

"His house is where you'll go."

"How do you know he will bring me to the factory? He might just put me in his basement."

"He won't if you are taken he knows I'll check his house first. He will bring you to the factory he just will"

I wasn't sure that Ciney was right but, I didn't have any better ideas so I went with it. How did Ciney know that Pig would think that he was going to send people to his house? I wanted to ask but, I figured Ciney had already figured it out. Maybe I'll ask later if this question still bothers me.

"Oh yeah Robert before I forget, you are going to need to change your clothes that outfit isn't ok."

I looked down and saw myself in a hospital smock thing.

"Oh sorry!"

"Just make sure you change when we are at my house then I'm going to need you to get some sleep"

I did just that when I got to his house. I wasn't really ready for his plan. I'm only doing this for Ellie and what do I really have to lose?

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