The Man That I Am

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I woke up with my face on an old dusty wall. It was warm unlike the floor. My arms were spread apart, to as far as they could go, and the same for my legs. It seemed like some sort of ritual. I then started to instead of losing memories I began to remember one. How I got here. How I've gotten kidnapped.

The date was February 1st 2017. I was with my friends. I think their names were Tyler and Josh. We were on the basketball court, I remembered not liking basketball but, my parents were forcing me to play it. The score was three to three. I was on the side lines watching. I then felt a uncomfortable feeling come over me. I had to use the bathroom desperately.

I got up out of the bleachers and yelled out,

"In going to be in the bathroom"

They didn't answer but, I knew they heard me. I took out my phone and turned on some music, after I put in my headphones. I walked on the rough black top floor. The sky then started to get dark. I then saw a bright green Porta potty, as some people call it.

As I got closer to the bathroom, I saw a large black jeep, pull up. It stopped directly in front of the Porta potty. There came out a man who seemed to be in his forties or fifties. He took out a cigarette and lit it while leaning on his car. Shortly after he lit his cigarette he looked at me straight in the eyes.

His lit cigarette fell out of his mouth. His eyes were hard to see from where I was but, I knew they were looking at me. The man grabbed his belly and started to rub it. The closer I got to him the more nervous he looked. He continued to stare me down. Then his eyes looked away from mine, when I looked directly at him.

He looked at his black shoe and I decided to look away but, I could still see him in the corner of my eye. I saw him look up from his foot and back at me. He started to stare at my arms, then he looked lower. I felt very uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable thing about this isn't because he is old and staring at me but, the fact that he started to stare downward.

Soon after I looked away I heard the sound of lips smacking. I then began to speed walk. I tried to look like I wasn't creeped out, so I could escape and not seem suspicious. I got to the Bathroom and I tried to open it. It didn't budge. I tried again and once again it didn't open. I heard him change his stance and he started to breath heavy.

I then pulled hard and the bathroom opened. It was covered in maggots and toilet paper. I didn't care how gross it was as long as I could get away from him. As I closed the door I saw him staring at me. He put his hand on his head and pulled back. No hair was moved due to the fact, of him having his hair almost entirely shaved.

When I closed the door I immediately locked it and I began to relieve myself. However I wasn't relieved. I saw a small crack in the bottom of the Bathroom. I saw a small eye in the small hole. I pretended not to notice.

When I was done I didn't know what to do. If I left what would he do to me. But, if I got off the toilet and just stayed inside he would know that I saw him. I could call the cops but, he would surely see that I was calling them and he would try and break down the door.

I stayed there for a little bit and waited for him to lose interest. He didn't lose interest, he seemed to love being kept waiting. His green eyes were staring at me still. I decided that calling the cops would be the best choice of action.

I tapped in nine, one, one, as if I was turning off my music. I then acted surprised like someone was calling me. I put my phone to my cheek and began to talk. I tried to whisper into the phone.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Someone's stalking me and he's staring at me right now"

"Sir can you say that again"

"Someone is stalking me and I need help I think he's going to do something"

"Sir I'll send a patrol over to your location which is,"

"The RedBerry Basketball field." Then to hide the fact that, I called the cops I said.

"Bye mom"

I looked back at the crack and the man was gone. I then began to wipe. I heard something start outside. It sounded like an engine. I heard the sound of a large car pulling out. I was happy that he was going away. But, the car drove around towards where the hole was then I heard the sound of rumbling.

"What the hell are you doing" said a strange voice.

"You won't take him away from me!"

I then felt a hard bang on the side of the bathroom. I saw the side slowly begin to fall over. The bathroom started to close in on me. His car backed up and the whole side of the bathroom fell over. The man was in the car and then he opened his car door and got out of it swiftly. He began to walk towards me fast. Tyler tried to tackle him but, was hit hard in the face.

The thin haired creepy man took out a switch blade. He walked up to me and said,

"Don't worry I'm here,"

He then grabbed my arm tightly. He threatened me, with the switch blade close to my neck but, I was able to smack it out of his hand. I then hit him in the face. He didn't like that so he threw me off of the toilet. He reached deep into his pocket searching for something then he pulled out the long pointy needle and stabbed me with it. I started to feel dizzy and my brain began to hurt, while my eyes became super heavy.

He dragged me out of the wreckage and    then let go of me when I was on the road. He picked me up and put me in the passengers seat. I was trying my hardest to stay awake but, the drug was winning. He then turned to Tyler.

"He knows my face...I need to deal with him."

"Please don't," was all I could manage to say.

Instead of killing Tyler he dragged him to the trunk and threw him in. He was also barley awake. The man drove off but, in the distance I heard a faint siren. We were so close to being saved.

Then I can't remember the rest at all, then all I know is that I'm in this basement strapped to the wall.

"Got to go see my honey,"

I heard from behind me. I stayed quiet and pretended to still be asleep.

"Hello are you awake Robbie?"

I said nothing.

*hands clapping and then a snort*

I heard him run quickly to my chains on the wall. I really wonder why I was up on the wall in the first place. However It didn't matter now, he was letting me out. I fell back but, was caught into his arms.

I was laid down on my face and my bottom was in the air. I then felt something from him, that felt uncomfortable. I peeked with my one eye and I saw the tool tray. Maybe if I where to stab him with one of his scalpels I could kill him. I waited a moment for my eyes to stop being blurry. I felt sweat start to fall on my back. Mr. Pig had started to grow tired.

I flew my head back, it knocked right into the front of Pigs head. I felt him fall back. I got up from where I was. Pulled up my underpants and ran to the tray.

That bastard cleaned up his tools I had to run. I had to leave Tyler behind!

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