The Interview

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The sirens buzzed in my ears and news teams flooded the area in herds. They all wanted to interview me and Ellie for being the only survivors.

I pushed away microphones and ignored the questions they asked.

"What happened!"

"Are you ok!"

"Who did this!"

"When did the building catch fire!"

All these questions we're not relevant now. This war that I've been fighting has finally ended. I am finally free from this torture!

I heard over all the booming noise a car door open and slam. A fat little man waddled out of the car. He walked to me with a note pad in his gigantic hands. He walked to me and lifted his note pad.

"What can you tell me about what happened?"

"A man kidnapped me and my friends and then a man saved me. He's down that ledge and I don't think the paramedics will make it in time"

I pointed to the ditch where Pig and Ciney were lying in. I was sad that Pig was tricked into being the bad guy. I was happy that he was done chasing me though he has become a big problem to me.

The man grabbed his radio and talked into it.

"Paramedics a man is injured on scene stand by and pick him up"

He seemed to be out of breath by speaking that simple statement. I looked at his name tag it read "Stan Washington."

"Listen, Washington I need to go to my house and see my parents. You see they haven't seen me in a while."

"Why didn't you see them before this?"

"Because I was kidnapped!"

"Fine. You still have questions to answer though." He looked at me sternly while saying this. His far flaps under his neck rolled as well.

I scolded him and waited for him to call my parents. Instead he asked his next question. This went on for what seemed like hours.

After his unnecessary questions he let me go free. I walked out of the sight of the cameras to be greeted by my parents.

"Baby! Oh my god it's you! We saw you on the news!"

"Robert were so happy your safe!"

I hugged my parents without saying a word I was happy to have them back. I felt there love deep into my skin.

I was home.

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