twenty five

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"I'm listening."

I stood to the side of the door to allow him inside. He strolled in just like he did any other place — as if he owned it. That sweet smelling cologne of his lingered in the air once he'd passed by me.

"Your boyfriend isn't who you think he is. He's trifling."

"Trifling?" I repeated, partially taken aback.

"And how do you know so much, Dominico? You never even gave the guy a chance."

He scoffed and sat the box of flowers down onto the kitchen's island.

"Why would I need to give him a chance?" He asked, leaning his hip against the island and crossing his arms. He crossed his foot in front of the other and shot his eyes toward me. Although I couldn't stand him right now, his look still made me weak.

"Because he's actually a really nice guy and very sweet. I don't know why you would think he's trifling and treat him the way you do."

"Then let me ask you something Gisselle since you think you know the guy so well,"

He brushed his thumb across his nose and looked over at the box. He opened the lid and placed it next to the box. They were a beautiful set of bright pink roses that held a small pigment of red. He then looked back at me.

"Do these look at all familiar to you?"

I looked at the flowers and of course I thought of the time Gabe surprised me with them by placing them all in my front yard. It was something that I've never experienced before and something that I only thought happened in movies. How lucky was I to have it actually happen to me?

"Gabe put them in my yard as a surprise for me. I still have them all around the house." I answered.


Dominico walked closer to me and stood just a few feet away.

"Do you know what kind of flowers these are?"

"Roses, I'm assuming."


He sighed and shook his head. His eyes were heavy and the fact that he held onto the silence that lingered made me see him in a different light. What was he getting at?

"These are Juliet Roses, something that you cannot get in an everyday store. You also cannot order them if you wanted to."

He took another pause before continuing.

"When we were in London, you all were on the plane waiting for me. At that time, which was what? Three in the morning maybe? I was on the phone with the company who specializes in these flowers. A company that is on the other side of this globe."

Dominico brushed the back of his hand against my cheek, causing my body to stiffen.

"Gisselle, I'm the one who spread these all out in your lawn. I'm the one who showered you in Chanel. Do you really think that you can tell me that a man who works at Starbucks could possibly afford all of that for you?"

He was right. But what was wrong with me? Why wasn't I able to see it for myself? To really think that Gabe could actually afford those gifts for me. I had at least seven different color Chanel bags that day.

Just then there was a knock on the door. I sighed and walked to the front door, opening it up before I even thought to ask who it was.

"Girl, I forgot my key."

Ashlee entered the home with a sigh of relief. I'm assuming she didn't expect me to be home and if not, she would have been stuck outside or had to think of other means of getting inside. I think she would have called Greg though since he did have a key to our place.

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