(1) The visit.

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Savannah's POV-
Breakfast time is a 5 year olds favorite time of they day. During breakfast... "Savannah guess what!" Ms. Dana said. "What what!" The little exclaimed. "A family wants to meet you and maybe even adopt you!" Ms Dana said with a smile that made little Savannah's smile even brighter.

About an hour later after Savannah was all cleaned up and looking chipper, the couple was ready to meet her. As they walked into the room where little Savannah already was they immediately fell in love with the playful girl.
They were to leave and pick her up tomorrow when all her stuff would be all packed, and since they still had papers to sign.

The next day as Savannah was packed, about noon time the DunJoseph's were ready to take her home officially. Savannah was super excited she loved her new dads. Josh's bright yellow hair is her favorite thing about him, and Tyler's dimples are her favorites about him. She really adored the men especially since she now had a family of her own.

When they finally arrived to the house Savannah had sprinted around the house till she found her new room. She knew the room was hers because it had a bunch of the pink and purple colors surrounding the walls. As she roamed around her new room, Tyler and Josh were at the doorway just admiring their new little beauty.

Savannah finally turned around and then Tyler bend down to his knees and held out his hands and signaled for a hug, Savannah ran right into his arms and josh joined the hug. "I love you daddies!" Savannah squealed into Tyler's chest. Both Josh and Tyler looked at each other and knew they now had their perfect little family they always wanted.

Hope you guys will enjoy this fict, I am gunna try and write in my other one but idk yet. I'm really excited about this book and I feel like I will definitely write more in this book. Yes I know this is a short chapter.


Adopted by the DunJoseph's. /JOSHLER STORY\.  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now