(3) First day of kindergarden.

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Hi. Hope you all are doing well. My outfit for the first day of kindergarten! (That's not really me just an outfit I wanted for the fict.)

Savannah's POV-

"Wake up Princess, today is your first day of kindergarten." Tyler said while waking up his little one. "NO!" Savannah squeaked out of her little mouth. "What? Don't you wanna go Princess?" "No! I don't want to leave you, I wanna stay with you daddy." Tears starting slowly welling up in Savannah's eyes. Tyler was in pure awe with what she said, but she had to go. "Princess don't worry I'll come back and get you when school is over, ok?" "Can we get ice cream after?" Savannah said while she wiped away the tears that strayed away from her eyes. "Anything for you Princess."

After Tyler finally dressed Savannah fed her and teeth were brushed, they headed out the door. "Daddy I changed my mind." Savannah said behind him as she was tightly griping his leg, as they were in front of the door frame of the room that was full of kids. "It's ok, you will be fine. I promise." Tyler smiled down at his little girl. Savannah smiled right back and ran in more confidently. Tyler signed her in with the teacher and waved a quick goodbye. As he was walking out the doorway, arms quickly squeezed his legs when he turns to see Savannah hugging them. He then bends down and gives her hugs and kisses before he finally goes off.

At the ice cream parlor... "I want mint chocolate chips ice cream daddy!" Savannah said with wide eyes looking at all the ice cream. "Ok Princess." Tyler orders him a chocolate ice cream cone and Savannah a child's mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. "This is m'really yummy." Savannah says as her face is smeared with a ridiculous amount of ice cream. Tyler just sits there smiling as he's admiring his sweet little angel that he loves so very much.

"I'm home!" Josh says loud enough to where he sees Tyler come around the corner with a sleeping Savannah in his hands as he uses his pointer finger at his mouth to signal Josh to be quiet. Josh immediately quiets down and takes Savannah from Tyler to go and put her in bed for a nap that she needs to finish. As Josh walks out he sees Tyler looking at him with big doe eyes. "M'missed you." Tyler says with his hands out for a hug. Josh comes in the hug and gives Tyler small pecks of love across his face. "I missed you too, baby boy" Josh says as he lifts Tyler up so he is cuffing his butt gently in his hands. (Not! Sexual! Just! Lovingly!) Josh now walks to his and Tyler's bedroom were he delicately places Tyler on their bed. As soon as Tyler's eyes flutter opens again he sees Josh's lips crash onto his. Tyler kisses Josh back passionately as the kiss gets even more heated, Josh is now laying over Tyler cupping his cheeks with both hands lightly grinding over Tyler. Tyler moans a little as Josh starts to take off his shirt and then taking off Tyler's. The kisses and grinding gets more heated until they here a faint little voice behind them. "Daddies m'hungry." Josh quickly gets off Tyler as he groans from annoyance but he doesn't care because he has to take care of his little one too. "We need to shut the door next time Josh." Tyler says with a big grin on his face as he giggles at the slightest bit. "Heh, ya." Josh replies as he takes Savannah into his strong arms.

Dinner time was a very messy time with Savannah. "Savannah keep the spaghetti in your bowl and eat with your fork." Tyler says sternly. "But I don't want to." Savannah says as she sticks her tongue out at Tyler. Tyler is about to say something before Josh cuts in. "Princesses don't eat messy like that Savvy, they eat clean and with their forks." "M'k I'll eat like a pretty Princess." She says while cleaning herself up with a napkin and picks up her fork to eat with it. Tyler looks astonished at how easily Josh got her to do something when it takes him forever just to get her dressed in the morning. Josh just looks at Tyler with a smirk because he knows exactly what Tyler is thinking.

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter I think it's ok but whatever. Love you all my lovelies.

Don't forget to drink water, eat, and remember I'm always here to talk.


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