(16) Times been passing by

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OMG! Savvy's (mwah) getting older!

(I said Time 4 times, AGAHHA! M'sorry.)

Time, time, and time. Time has passed, Savannah is a little bit older and Tyler and Josh are still so in love.

"DADDY T!!!" Savannah squealed from in the bathroom. Tyler ran as fast as he could to the little girls bathroom. "WHAT , WHAT IS IT!" Tyler practically yelled while out of breath. "There's 'm spider by the toilet!" Savannah pointed to the pretty large spider behind the toilet. Tyler himself didn't Ike spiders so he thought of the best idea to get it out of the house, "Hey, Josh...?" Tyler was on the phone with we all know who. (Guys this is literally me with spiders. I am so petrified of spiders. I would definitely call my husband to get the spider out of the house for me.)  "Uhh , Tyler? What's the problem you sound petrified!" Josh said in the other line of the phone. "DAMN RIGHT IM PETRIFIED! Josh there is a spider in Savvy's bathroom and I need you to get it out., WITHOUT KILLING IT. It doesn't deserve to die even if I don't like it." Tyler explained to Josh. "Tyler I'm in the middle of a meeting." , "I will not leave you alone till you get the damn thing out of our home." Tyler stated, Josh sighed in defeat. "I'll be there in 5." Josh said. "Make it 4. Love you bye!" , "Love you too." Then he hung up.

Once Josh arrived and walked into Savannah's room heading to the bathroom he saw one of the most adorable sights ever. Savannah and Tyler had built a fort and were obviously hiding in it. The tent was a pink unicorn blanket and the outside of it had all Savannah toy swords sticking out at the bathroom door. Josh chuckled heading towards the fort. When josh looked inside he saw an even cuter sight. Tyler and Savannah had toy weapons in hand and were ready to fight, a spider. (Literally me.)

"JOSHY! You made it!" Tyler said as he immediately went and hugged Josh. "Daddy J kill the spider now!" Savannah said while pointing to her bathroom with the toy light saber she had. "Ok I'll go get the fly swatted and kill it." Josh said as he was getting up and Tyler pulled him back down. "Joshy, you said you wouldn't kill it set it free outside where it belongs to be." Tyler had pouty eyes, considering he can't kill a poor bug nor watch his Joshua kill one. Once Josh finally got the spider safely out of the house he had to go back to work.


Hope you have a good day.

(I know this is a short chapter.)

Stay safe, drink, eat, sleep it's important.


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