(2) The first day

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I'm already enjoying the book and this is only the second chapter. :)

Savannah's POV-

The next morning Josh was already awake at 5:00 a.m. for work he had to leave around 6:00 a.m. To get to work on time. Tyler on the other hand painted for his career even though it was more of a hobby so he got to sleep in everyday. At about 8:30 a.m. Tyler finally was awoken by his new sweet little angel Savannah. Her eyes were still tired but all she whined about was how hungry she was. "Come on daddy! I'm hungry all I want is pancakes!" Savannah said squealing. "Ok ok, I'll make you some pancakes only if you get off me so I can Princess." Tyler giggled while speaking to his precious 5 year old. "YAY!" Savannah squealed once again.

After they had finished breakfast they had to go do some grocery shopping. Once Tyler finally managed to dress his hyper Princess, he got the keys to his car buckled Savannah up in her car seat buckled him self up as well and headed off to the store. Now arriving into Target Tyler put Savannah in the cart and he started to shop, every time Savannah saw something she wanted she would sneak it in the cart. Tyler did the same thing as to sneaking it out of the cart when she was distracted with something else. After giving into getting Savannah some gummy worms and a new Barbie doll they were finally heading back home.

When Tyler opened the door Savannah immediately ran to her room with her candy and new doll to play, while Tyler was stuck bringing in all the groceries on his own. He didn't mind though he did it anyways since he mostly went grocery shopping alone. At around 6:00 p.m. Tyler started to cook dinner for his little family. About thirty or so minutes later Josh had finally come home from work and when he did he had a pink bag with some things in it for Savannah. "Josh" Tyler spoke sternly but kinda in a whisper. "Yes love?" Josh said with a smile. "What did you buy our little Savvy?" "Oh well I went to the store before I came home and got her some tutus cause I couldn't resist not buying them. I mean come on Tyler honey look at how cute they are!" Josh exclaimed with the biggest grin on his face. Tyler just chucked in return giving Josh a kiss.

"Savannah come down stairs it's time for dinner!" Tyler yelled so she could hear from the upstairs of the house. Finally Josh and Tyler heard her little footsteps coming from the stairs bolting right into the dinning room to eat. After dinner Josh was upstairs running a bath for his little one. Savannah had some doll bath toys to play with while Josh was soaping her up and making sure she was squeaky clean. Tyler had her pajamas in her room for her so she could put them on and get ready for bed.

After that they finally decided to watch a Disney movie until Tyler and Savannah had finally fallen asleep through half the film. Josh had slightly nudged Tyler to wake up as he was grabbing Savannah to get her in bed as Tyler kissed her goodnight and moped off to bed himself.

Ehh I really don't know how I feel about this chapter. I feel I could have done better but whatever.

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